How to Create Your Own Comic?

Liana Milton Books
3 min readJul 8, 2023

Comics are a great way to tell stories, share your creativity, and entertain others. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, creating your own comic is a fun and rewarding project.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Come up with an idea. What kind of story do you want to tell? What kind of characters will you feature? What will the setting be? Once you have a basic idea, start brainstorming some plot points and character arcs.
  2. Do some research. If you’re not familiar with the comic book medium, take some time to read some comics and learn about the different elements that make up a comic. There are many great resources available online and in libraries.
  3. Start sketching. Once you have a good understanding of your story, start sketching out some of the key scenes. Don’t worry about making your sketches perfect at this stage, just get your ideas down on paper.
  4. Use a template. Once you’re happy with your sketches, you can use a comic book template to help you create your comic. There are many different templates available online, so you can find one that fits your style and skill level.
  5. Add dialogue and sound effects. Once you have your comic panels drawn, add some dialogue and sound effects to bring your story to life. You can use speech bubbles and thought bubbles to show what your characters are saying and thinking.
  6. Color your comic. If you want, you can color your comic to make it even more visually appealing. There are many different ways to color a comic, so you can experiment until you find a style that you like.
  7. Publish your comic. Once you’re happy with your comic, you can publish it online or print it out and share it with friends and family. There are many different ways to publish a comic, so you can find a method that works for you.
Blank Comic Book

If you’re looking for more detailed instructions on how to create your own comic, I recommend checking out my book, Blank Comic Book: Draw Your Own Comics. It has 107 pages of simple templates to help you get started, as well as instructions on how to draw different types of characters and scenes. You can find my book on Amazon .

I hope these tips help you create your own comic!

In addition to the tips above, here are a few additional things to keep in mind when creating your own comic:

  • Keep your story simple. When you’re first starting out, it’s best to keep your story simple. This will make it easier to follow and draw.
  • Use clear and concise dialogue. Your dialogue should be easy to understand and should move the story along. Avoid using too much jargon or technical terms.
  • Use effective sound effects. Sound effects can help to bring your comic to life and add excitement. However, don’t overdo it! Too many sound effects can be distracting.
  • Take your time. Creating a comic takes time and effort. Don’t expect to finish your comic overnight. Just keep working at it and you’ll eventually reach your goal.

With a little planning and effort, you can create your own comic that you’ll be proud of. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!



Liana Milton Books

Liana Milton, who was born on June 21 in Asia, is renowned for her distinctive writing style that combines comedy, knowledge, and enjoyment.