Liande Marais
3 min readJul 20, 2020


#2 Turn to the left …

Photo from Pikist

Obeying the Holy Spirit is not always a conscious decision. Often it is following the urge that guides you into places for no obvious reason. Many times it has led me into unexpected ministering moments.

It can be a feeling or desire to go into a specific shop, which is not on my shopping list. One such an occasion happened in a town in the NorthWest Province. We were wandering around a small shopping centre when I noticed this art shop. I felt to explore and see what it was all about. The shop was more of a framing shop than an art supplier. I wanted to leave after my first impression of the place, but something stopped me. I hovered around, looking at frames for no reason. The sales lady who worked in the shop came to greet me and I realised that she was the reason I was there. We started talking and soon were discussing various topics.

At one point the Lord told me to tell her He loved her, and He wanted the best for her. He wanted to give her the desires of her heart and that it even mattered to Him where she lived. I thought it strange to be that specific, but I told her anyway.

She got emotional and started crying. She told me she was very unhappy with where she lived and that she battled settling down in the town. Her heart’s desire was to move back to the area she lived in before, but she did not know if it was in God’s will. She had tried very hard to make the best of her situation. It was very difficult, and even her work situation was not contributing to it. She was more equipped and trained for her job than required, but she accepted it because at least it was a job.

I explained to her that God loves us so much that He wants to bless us to where we are full of joy. To Him the minor things in our lives matters and God wants to give us the desires of our heart. As we were talking, she started getting excited about all the alternative possibilities. Ideas and plans came to her while we were talking.

I prayed for her and asked God to give her wisdom and guide her in her decisions. We were both teary eyed and emotional at that stage.

By the time I left, she was so positive and excited about her future. A bright future filled with joy and excitement, not bleak and depressing. All it took from me was to enter a shop, acknowledge her and tell her what God said. Not much of an effort from me, but a life-changing encounter for her.

God wants to use us as vessels in changing another person’s life. Many times without even breaking a sweat. That is how God works. His burden is light, and it is easy.

Just listen and you will hear — “turn to the left, turn to the right…”

Liande Marais

I lived through the 60s to 90s. Seen the change into the new millennium and learned about technology. I have lived to see many things, but not all. I love life.