A Deep Dive into Solana Account Model (1) — Introduction

兄弟鏈 Brochain
3 min readFeb 6, 2022
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Solana’s account model is much more complicated than Ethereum. In this series, we would go through how Solana account model works. In this first article, we would go through some basic concepts about Solana’s account model. so, let’s begin!

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Basic Concept

There are a few concepts you have to understand before deep dive into how Solana’s account work.

  1. Account Type

In Solana, accounts can be divided to two different types: executable and non-executable. Executable account means program (or Smart Contract in Ethereum). It stores executable code that are immutable once deployed. Non-executable account can be treated as storage accounts. It is used to store changing variables, assets of an individual etc.

2. Account Memory Allocation

In Solana account, once its memory size is defined, it cannot be changed again.

3. Owner/Holder

In Solana, the person who owns the private key of the account is called holder…

