Why do we?

Libby Maxey
2 min readJan 1, 2023
backyard fireworks

Yeah, sure, tradition is a thing. But is it a good thing?

Since it just happened, the “New Year.”

Really? Is it a new year?

My daughter is fascinated with old technology — like her most recent purchase, an old clock radio with minutes and hours that flip over. It’s the exact same annoying clock radio that my college roommate had with the irritating little clicks. So all that happened when it became the “New Year” here in Illinois is that the minute and hour clicks happened at the same time…which was not the same time on the east coast or the west coast or anywhere else in the world except the US central time zone. People were wildly drunk, kissing and hugging strangers (possibly contracting the new strain of COVID), and otherwise acting stupid because it was midnight like every other night.

Lots of people spent huge sums of money to celebrate a midnight that happens like every other night, eating way too much, drinking excessive amounts and otherwise imbibing. And the evening is something they planned, reserved, bought new outfits and accessories, got a dye job, took photographs and videos to remember…their utterly embarrassing behavior.

Or in the South, the good ole boys buy hundreds, even thousands of dollars’ worth of beer and fireworks, and it lasts all night long and for a couple of weeks after.

It’s almost as if all the hype about a “New Year” was corporate marketing.

Yes, it’s good to start anew, (the idea behind “repent”) and it’s also good to pick your own day to do it.

Thanks for attending my “Why do we” talk.

Thanks for reading! For more of my visionary writings and how they propel my life, see my books “I Am Liberty” and “One Becomes One,” available in paperback and Kindle versions.



Libby Maxey

Libby’s mystical visions guide her life; thus her writing defies classification. Check out “One Becomes One” on Amazon.