What Does Minting NFT Mean? Everything You Need to Know

Library of Trader
8 min readSep 13, 2022



What does minting a NFT mean? How does minting NFT work?

Non-fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have emerged as one of the year’s innovations. NFTs have recently made news across numerous media. Many inventors, artists, and even business titans are eager to capitalize on this trend. Minting is an important stage in the creation of an NFT. In this essay, we will discuss what does minting NFT mean, how NFT minting works, and the associated expenses.

What Does Minting NFT Mean?

The process of converting digital data into crypto collections or digital assets stored on the blockchain is known as NFT mining.

An NFT is a blockchain-based token that demonstrates ownership of a digital asset such as photos, video files, or even real items. Minting an NFT is the process of transforming digital data into crypto collections or digital assets kept on the blockchain.

The digital products or files will be stored in a decentralized database or distributed ledger and will be impossible to edit, modify, or erase. When a manufacturer mints a physical coin, the process of uploading a specific item to the blockchain is referred to as minting.

The producers of the NFTs can schedule royalties from each subsequent sale throughout the printing process, which will become a commission they can collect each time their work is sold to someone else or exchanged on the secondary market.

In a nutshell, NFT minting is a fancy phrase meaning ‘store on blockchain.’, which answers the question ‘What does minting a NFT mean?’

How Much Time Does It Take To Mint An NFT?

It’s impossible to say how long it will take to produce NFTs.

It’s difficult to predict how long it will take to mint NFTs. Almost all NFT platforms, tools, and markets, on the other hand, make the NFT creation process simple. Installing Metamask, an Ethereum wallet, as a browser chrome extension is a normal step for creating an account or authenticating into the major NFT marketplaces. This can be considered the first stage where you can mint NFTs.

Converting your digital material to NFT, presenting it to NFT marketplaces, and advertising it for sale is analogous to uploading a video to YouTube, a music file to Spotify, or even selling a digital item or product for sale on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy. So, upload the file (PNG, JPG, GIF, MP3, or MP4), name it, add a description, set up royalties, and sell it.

Is it expensive to mint an NFT?

Yes. The Ethereum blockchain’s smart contracts are used to store and host the majority of NFTs and NFT marketplaces. The cost of using the Ethereum blockchain (generating NFTs, purchasing, selling, or transferring an asset at an Ethereum address) is known as the ‘gas charge’ or ‘Gwei.’ Depending on the demand for the Ethereum network or the NFT platform, this charge often ranges between $50 and $200.

Is minting NFT free?

Of course, it is! One of the preferred methods of free minting NFT is lazy minting. ‘Lazy Minting’ is a common form of free NFT minting. Lazy minting is a method of minting in which NFT makers are not forced to pay for gas expenses. Fees will be collected when the NFTs have been acquired and transferred.

What to consider before minting an NFT?

You will know when to mint NFTs when you finalize all these considerations below.

Although minting NFT is simple on paper, there are a few things to consider before getting started. Minting NFT is the process of converting digital art into a public record on the blockchain platform. This is due to the fact that digital art would be impervious to alteration and manipulation. Minting refers to the process of adding NFTs to a blockchain in the same way that minting money refers to the process of creating currencies.

Make certain that your digital artwork is properly displayed. NFT ensures that the artwork may be acquired or exchanged on the market in a variety of ways. It allows for ownership tracking as well as possible resale or collection flexibility. Finally, a fundamental understanding of NFTs can provide a reasonable sense of how to approach their development and representation.

1. The Blockchain Platform

The first answer to the question ‘how to mint an NFT?’ is that there are numerous blockchains that support the NFT token standard. Some of the more dependable solutions are as follows:

  • Ethereum: Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain that supports smart contracts. Ether is the platform’s native cryptocurrency. In terms of market capitalization, Ether is second only to Bitcoin.
  • Polkadot: Polkadot is a cryptocurrency and open-source blockchain platform. It connects and interoperates blockchains by allowing separate chains to securely exchange messages and complete transactions with one another without the need for a trusted third party.
  • TRON: TRON is a decentralized, open-source blockchain-based operating system featuring smart contract features, a proof-of-stake consensus process, and its own cryptocurrency, Tronix.
  • EOS.IO: EOS.IO is a blockchain technology that is based on the EOS cryptocurrency. The platform for smart contracts claims to remove transaction costs and process millions of transactions per second.
  • Tezos: Tezos is an open-source blockchain that can perform peer-to-peer transactions and serves as a platform for smart contract deployment. The Tez is the Tezos blockchain’s native coin. Proof-of-stake is used to gain consensus on the Tezos network.

2. The NFT’s Ecosystem

The understanding of NFT features in the blockchain you select is the next critical factor to consider when looking for the most cost-effective way to mint NFT. It is critical to ensure that the platform you use can handle NFT transfers and sales across several blockchains. With each blockchain, developers should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the NFT ecosystem.

3. A Low-Cost Platform

Many ardent minters would attempt to create NFTs for the first time. As a result, people may be seeking a means to obtain an NFT for free. Popular options can be useful in these cases. The most popular blockchain systems for minting NFTs are currently Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. Because of their huge scale, these two platforms may function as the largest NFT marketplaces while simultaneously giving extra insight to buyers.

4. The NFT Market

Finally, choosing an NFT marketplace is the most important aspect before NFT minting. In the case of the Ethereum blockchain, developers may encounter a significant number of NFT platforms. Some well-known examples are Raible, Mintable, and OpenSea. Furthermore, Juggerworld, Treasureland, and BakerySwap are Binance Smart Chain markets.

How to Mint an NFt on Opensea?

This session will answer the question ‘How are NFT minted’ in the most basic way.

Any digital information or file can be converted into an NFT art or asset. As a result, whether you are a content producer, graphic designer, or digital artist, you can quickly transform your work, whether it is 3D models, text files (documents, PDFs, or tweets), films, or music, into a collectible crypto asset with actual financial value.

In general, the procedure is straightforward; if you use Google Chrome, you can quickly install the browser extension ‘Metamask,’ which is the default wallet of most NFT markets and blockchain apps. However, make sure your wallet has Ether (ETH), the Ethereum blockchain’s native coin. You are now ready to develop your first NFT.

Most major markets and NFT platforms use the following as their default:

Connecting MetaMask

To begin, browse to opensea.io and click on Profile in the upper right bar. A new page will emerge requesting that you link your wallet. Select MetaMask.

You’ll be prompted several times to provide OpenSea with the appropriate rights to access your wallet and money. Following that, a signature request will appear, and after signing in, a “Connecting” page will display, which will connect OpenSea to your wallet.

Accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed. Your funds are easily accessible via the wallet symbol in the upper right corner. If your wallet is empty, just select “Add Funds.” From here, you may either deposit cryptocurrency or purchase with a debit/credit card. Isn’t it simple? You must now build your first OpenSea collection.

Building Together an NFT Collection

It’s time to start building your first NFT collection now that your account is ready to handle transactions on the Ethereum network. Select “My Collection” from your profile and press “Create” to begin a new one. Your new collection will include the logo picture, featured image, and banner.

There are several properties to fill out, beginning with the URL of your OpenSea collection, the description, category, and links to your website and social media profiles. You’ll be prompted to enter your payout wallet address. Go to the wallet icon and choose your address; it will immediately copy it, which you should then paste into the necessary form.

New objects will be saved on the blockchain of your choice; in this example, Ethereum, but you may also use Polygon. This is a sidechain, which is a Layer-2 blockchain that separates workload from Layer-1 blockchains like Ethereum and performs it separately, resulting in greater throughput and reduced gas prices. Next, select the payment tokens with which you want to buy and sell your items. When you’re finished, click “Create.”

Minting NFTs with OpenSea

On OpenSea, you may mint your NFTs. The procedure is easy to follow. Don’t worry about how it’s really minted; the AI will handle all of the technical details.

  1. Go to your collection and click “Add Item” in the upper right corner.
  2. Upload a new work of art, which can be photos, sounds, or 3D models.
  3. Give your item a name and a description.
  4. Next, select the collection in which your NFT will appear, in our case, the sample collection we created previously.
  5. Fill in the details of your NFT, such as the eyes, color, ticker symbol, artist name, and so on. Fill in the blanks. Your NFT, for example, has a 5/10 strength or speed level.
  6. Include some statistics in your NFT. These are numerical characteristics that manifest as numbers.
  7. Select if the material is unlocked and whether it is explicit or sensitive. This indicates that the special contents buried in an NFT might be won by someone. For example, you might create a lottery in your NFT and hide the prize under unlocked content.
  8. Finally, choose the supply, or the number of copies that may be minted, as well as the issuing blockchain.
  9. Click “Create,” and your new item will be added to your collection as a new NFT. You are free to sell it at a fixed price or to the highest bidder.


Some digital producers may make a fast profit by minting NFTs. However, keep in mind that this movement is still in its early stages. The online creative economy was a pioneer in the use of NFTs. The capacity to subserviently monetize material long after the actual sale may be a game changer for artists, musicians, content providers, video game makers, and others.

However, minting and selling NFTs should not be a get-rich-quick scheme. This method will necessitate some upfront expenses in order to sell your digital assets, and there is no guarantee that anybody will wish to purchase your work.



Library of Trader

LibraryofTrader is a Group Buying platform specializing in providing Trading, Investing, and Cryptocurrency online courses.