How do you become a web novel writer?


Learn to be a web novel writer

This article is the output of a well-known web novel writer we invited for targeting. At his request, we have withheld his name from this article. We thank this writer for his dedication and hope that you will learn how to be a good online writer from reading it. is a portable library near you, and the rich content of Internet fiction greatly enriches your life and mine. Come and update your novel on Libri.

I’ve divided web novel writers into five levels, but there’s a hidden sixth, a layman level that’s not even a reserve level. The opposite is the pure novice writer who has no experience, not even a single word of online fiction has been written.

But not everyone, even the uninitiated, needs a primer. If you are a traditional writer who has written a novel, then regardless of the success of your previous work, you can ignore that part and move on to the next chapter. Or, if you’ve never written a novel, but have a gift for writing, it’s as easy as drinking water, so don’t worry about getting started.

The ones who really need to get started are the ones who want to try online novel writing, but open up a computer file and think about it all day with nothing in their head, or with only a few hundred words in his head that he can’t even read.

So, for such a new person, how to improve? How to write their own first thousand words? 10,000 words? 100,000 words? How to take the first step to become a professional writer?

I think there are a few ways to try it.

One, set the correct writing goals

Unlike in some industries, the progression of web novel writers is not always gradual. It is quite possible for a new writer with enough talent to earn millions or even tens of millions for his first work, and for a single work to establish himself as a great god or even a master; for a professional writer who has maintained his rank for many years, it’s also entirely possible to have an epiphany, suddenly find the right type of writing for yourself, and become a god overnight.

However, the cruel reality is that whether the new person becomes a god or a slave, it can not be separated from a necessary condition — the writer already has a strong writing background. Therefore, such a good thing, not yet coming to you, still lingered outside the entry-level head.

For writers who have not yet reached the preparatory level, there is currently only one goal to set. To be able to write novels. Specifically, there are two indicators.

First, the ability to conceive and complete a work of six hundred thousand words or less. Simply put, it can be long.

This is because the web novel has all sorts of characteristics decided, the novel only writes long, can obtain a higher income, the work rank, the influence, the wtiter’s popularity, can achieve a certain height. And that space needs to be, in general, at least two million words or more.

Of course, from a training point of view, you don’t have to actually write that many words. Because, in theory, a writer who can write six hundred thousand words shouldn’t have too much trouble writing three million words after learning a certain skill and having a complete outline.

Second, the daily creative word count reached or close to 6,000 words. In short, it can be written quickly.

This is because, under the enormous competition pressure of the massive network novel, as well as the network user’s reading habit influence, has decided that only the continuous stable renewal work, can obtain and maintain the popularity. And stable serialization, the minimum requirement is to update two chapters a day.

A chapter, under normal circumstances is 3,000 words, lower words, should not be less than 2,000 words. Therefore, to be successful, a web writer must write at a minimum of four to six thousand words per day. On a monthly basis, that’s 120,000 to 180,000 words per month, which is the minimum requirement.

These are the prerequisites for a new person to become a ready-made web writer. At this stage, the quality of the text is not so important, as for the achievement of the work, it is not necessary to pay attention to. Write fast and write long, is the current need and only need the two major directions of effort.

It is worth noting that at this stage, we are only concerned with the improvement of the ability, not the work itself. We don’t need papers. We don’t need transcripts. If you’re halfway through writing, and you find yourself writing smoothly, 6,000 words a day, and have a clear plan for the book, Congratulations, you’re a ready made web writer.

Two, Choose the right type and subject matter

The network novel has developed to today, there have been many types of works-fantasy, fantasy, martial arts, urban, supernatural, history, military, online games, sports, science fiction, fan..

Each of these types has its own characteristics, has its own popularity base and main points of creation, as well as its own writing difficulty. However, it is worth noting that the various types of online fiction, for different writers, writing difficulties are different.

There’s a good chance that one writer is painfully comfortable writing historical novels, while another is comfortable writing history, but uncomfortable writing about the city.

It is obvious that for a writer at the layman level, you should choose the type that is easiest for you to write about. But what if the writer can’t decide for himself which type is easy to write?

Here, I recommend a few simple types for new hires:

1. Fanfic

The so-called fan fiction, refers to the existing works of the characters, plot as the basis for the evolution of the new works, it is based on the original works of the second creation.

It’s important to note that in general, fan writers don’t own the copyright to the work, and even if you did write the first and last word of the novel, you don’t have the right to use it for any commercial purpose.

However, even so, the fan is still the best type of person to choose for the beginner stage. The reason is simple.

To create fan fiction, you don’t need to think about the world, you don’t need to show complex settings, you don’t need to portray a large number of characters, and even the plot can often find inspiration in the original work. And these things, especially the setting and the characterization, are the most difficult for the newcomers to grasp.

In other words, fan fiction greatly simplifies the process of writing and avoids the most difficult parts. Undoubtedly, this has provided the greatest convenience for the newcomers.

As for the choice of fan fiction, first of all, the writer must have seen familiar works, at the same time, it is best to be the writer very much like, or even read a lot of times. It’s the basis of fan writing.

Of course, if you can’t get in touch with the writer, it doesn’t matter if you’re writing with him or her directly, as long as it’s completely free and respects the original. After all, for this stage of the writer, learning, progress is the most important, the work itself does not have much value, can be used for commercial purposes, it can be said that does not matter.

2. Urban

Here refers in particular to the modern city, and is based on the writer’s own life, familiar with the city as the background of the novel.

Compared to the human genre, urban writing has an extra process of characterization, but it also saves at least the trouble of setting. And even profiles can save a lot of ink on things like career and social status. This is equally valuable for newcomers.

The urban type also has an advantage over its peers in that it is easier for the writer to put himself in the main character and the plot is easier to plot. Generally speaking, just need to set a specific golden finger for the main character, or to give the main character a particular advantage, after the plot, it will be a matter of course.

The once-popular urban regeneration novel, for example, gives the protagonist a simple golden finger to be reborn a few years ago. For new writers, it’s easy to imagine what they would have done if they had been able to go back a few years with their present memories.

I believe most of the writers can imagine that a few years ago, with the advantage of foreknowledge, there were so many ways to make money, even if they didn’t have any business sense, and didn’t remember any stock movements, don’t remember which team won the World Cup, or at least, borrow money to buy a house?

And besides making money, doesn’t the writer have any regrets after all these years? Do you regret not taking good care of the elderly? Do you regret that you chose the wrong school and Major? Are you ashamed of your ineptitude in picking up girls as a teenager..

Such a variety of, still afraid of the work can not think of a plot, write not long?

The details of the plot, however, are relatively easy. Take buying a house. If you were to go broke, or even borrow heavily to buy a house, what would your parents say and Do? How did the rest of the family and friends react? Who to borrow money from and what will the other party say? What is the specific process of buying a house, what kind of procedures to go through? After buying a house, the house price does not rise temporarily, or even drop slightly, whether parents can persuade Nag to sell? How do you deal with the reaction of others to the sharp rise in house prices..

Just buy a house in this detail, just according to the normal flow of events to write down, there is no lack of content to write. And on this basis, deliberately adding some twists and turns, for example, when I went to borrow money, I found that my friend went into the stock market at 6,000 points, and the relaxed attitude when I bought a house let the sales lady mistake me for a big spender, people laugh at you when you buy a house and bet heavily on it..

How much can these extended plots add to the story? And this play, for most of the new people, obviously is not difficult.

Even if you are in the less imaginative minority and can’t think of too many changes and twists on your own, urban types have a special advantage — they have plenty of creative sources to draw on.

The most direct source of creativity, from the TV series, especially modern urban drama. I’m sure that’s understandable.

In addition to film and television works, social hot spots, newspaper news, neighborhood rumors, family gossip… these do not seem to want to do, it is easy to ignore the source of material, out from Under is often a direct source of ideas that are later incorporated into the work.

Therefore, in a sense, the type of city is the easiest to start, the easiest to write a novel.

3. Imitation

Imitation is not a category of fiction, but it can be any category. This may seem like a mouthful, but in fact it refers to the fact that a new writer is free to copy one of his or her favorite and most familiar online novels, and that the genre is not restricted.

Here, the imitation can be shallow, but it can also be deep.

Such imitations, which are less original from the writer than fan fiction, are, in a sense, akin to plagiarism. But there is no denying that it is also a feasible self-training method for new writers.

Note, however, that this style of writing, which can only be used for self training, produces parodies that can not be published publicly because it is different from fan fiction, even if it is not used for commercial purposes, in fact, it also infringes the interests of the original writers and, to a certain extent, causes the leakage of the paid content of the original works, which affects its sales and popularity.

Therefore, such imitative learning, in principle, is not worth advocating, rather, it is the layman level of the writer, after other training methods have failed, that can be the last attempt.

Normally, after half a month to a month of imitation, the writer should have a little sense of writing, a general idea of plot design, narrative method, etc. . By this time, you can try to stop imitating and start from scratch to design an original novel of your own.

So, ready to write your first web novel? Wanna become a good web novel writer? Like to make money by writing stories?

Then you’re welcome to join Libri, will be your first choice of starting a good web novel. Give a shot.

