The History Behind Librium

4 min readNov 8, 2017


The global labor market is broken. Unemployment exists at the same time worker shortages do. Librium’s vision is to eliminate the travesty of wasted Human Capital to drive forward our shared global economy.

Before looking forward to the future of Librium, it is important to understand how the vision was born. The history behind Librium is linked to the e-commerce world, from which the concept evolved to a greater mission.

2015 — TarDisk Inception

Launched in early 2015, TarDisk is a hardware and software e-commerce company. What initially started as an experiment quickly turned into a successful business, helping thousands of people around the world expand the storage of their Mac computers in a seamless way. Completing a successful Kickstarter campaign in May 2015 allowed TarDisk to produce its products at a global scale.

After fulfilling numerous orders from the campaign, TarDisk continued to innovate by enhancing its hardware with specialized software. In August 2015 TarDisk released Pear, seamlessly bridging the internal storage of Mac computers with the external storage concealed in the TarDisk hardware. Since then more than 10,000 Mac computers have been Pear’d to their TarDisk companions.

This team was very quickly becoming a beast in the e-commerce industry.

2016 — SparkSales Incubation

One key component of e-commerce websites is the metric of conversion rate. It represents the percentage of visitors that end up buying products on the website. In the quest to optimize conversion rate, TarDisk experimented with several solutions, one of which led to significant improvements: a chat system to interact with visitors directly on the site, almost always leading to a purchase.

After sustained improvements on the conversion rate of more than 40% for six consecutive months, it started to become clear that this solution could be implemented on other sites as well. From that moment on the team began evolving the chat system into a viable product. In the last quarter of 2016 became a reality. With a company incorporated, global sales chat agents hired, and an alpha version running, initial customers began using the platform. Beta users were on-boarded and outbound interest began pouring in.

2017 — Librium Incubation

Early 2017 was a decisive time for SparkSales. Beta users began reliably experiencing 2X conversion rates after installing the chat toolbox on their websites, proving the effectiveness of this system. The team continued innovating on the product, implementing AI tools used by the SparkSales sales force, making it more efficient than ever before. In order to understand the needs of e-commerce businesses in a broader sense, the team worked closely with hundreds of beta testers. From that moment on the idea of an ecosystem providing several services comparable to SparkSales started surfacing.

The second quarter marked the official launch of SparkSales to the public and thus the on-boarding of outbound leads. As expected, new users experienced the same improvements in conversion rate as beta testers did. In order to accommodate these new users, the sales force skyrocketed in the number of sales agents.

In parallel, the team began investigating several business models allowing for an ecosystem of potential services that would help e-commerce businesses grow. Soon enough it became clear that such an ecosystem would only thrive if separated from the economic interests of a central entity, avoiding piling fees and restrictions. Blockchain technology and associated decentralized application possibilities are recent innovations that will allow such a decentralized ecosystem to exist in the near future. Borderless and low fees transactions enabled by blockchain technologies also lead to lower operational costs for all the actors of this ecosystem.

The team began designing the Librium Ecosystem in the middle of the year, experimenting with smart contracts and blockchain implementations. After months of discussion with blockchain related partners and potential customers, and countless improvements on concept drafts, the Librium whitepaper was finally available for download in September. Since then it has already seen more than six major updates. The team realized how expansive the global labor problem is and made it its mission to make a positive impact in the world by initiating a solution.

It is crazy to look back to see all the progress that has been made. With that being said, this story is only at its infancy and we want you to be a part of it.

The future of Librium is extremely exciting and hopefully we will soon live in a world where labor and opportunities reach equiLibrium. Whether you want to contribute directly or just want to purchase some EQL tokens, all of your support is welcome! If you have specific skills, knowledge or acquaintances and want to connect, please reach out via email at

Stay tuned with more details concerning next steps of Librium!

P.S. If you simply can not wait for upcoming posts, you can always find all the details about Librium in our whitepaper.




Solution = Librium | A decentralized, transparent digital labor economy built on the Blockchain, that connects markets of over supply to markets of undersupply.