Mysterium Development Update: Enabling Service Providers (Nodes) & Team News

Jaime Chacón
Mysterium Network
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018
Mysterium Network Roadmap milestones

As we continue our goal to create a protective layer on top of any communication taking place within the new decentralized ecosystem, we will Enable Service Providers and open the possibility for anyone to join the decentralized network by setting up and running a Mysterium node to provide a secure connection for those in need.

As for our Mysterion VPN client for Mac, we have progressed to our third major release and have continued to improve the software while adding new features. Additional testers from countries with internet restrictions like Iran and Dubai have successfully used and tested Mysterion. They have provided us with valuable feedback and reported successful results. Other countries like Australia have also been successfully tested as well. Everyone is welcome to use and test our VPN client and join our community.

Mysterion VPN client ease of use
Mysterion VPN client future use

Enabling Service Providers (Nodes)

Starting from July 11, we will begin testing 3rd party Mysterium VPN nodes on TestNet! This is a significant step for Mysterium Network towards a decentralized, peer to peer based and server-less node network.

Users will be able to run Mysterium VPN nodes on any OS with Docker. As an alternative users will be able to set up VPN node using .deb packages on Debian or Ubuntu. Currently node supports OpenVPN as its underlying VPN transport.

Installation Guide:

FAQ on How to Install & Operate a Mysterium Node:

The first node host countries will include: USA, China, Russia, Finland, Czech Republic, Romania, and Spain among others. Anyone who wants to participate in the 1st wave of nodes launch next week, please reach out to us on Telegram or any of our other social media platforms. We would like to thank everyone who has already signed up and joined us.

New Team Members & Job Opportunities

During the last month four new people joined our team!

Miroslav - Full Stack Software Developer

Miroslav, Full Stack Software Developer with experience in C#, JavaScript, Python and other modern programming languages. Has a deep interest in solving complex backend problems (and finding solutions). Started programming games with Basic at the age of 16 and 15 years later programming is still his passion.

Ieva - Senior Legal Counsel

We were also joined by Ieva, Senior Legal Counsel. She is now responsible for all legal processes at Mysterium. She has a wide range of experience gained from major law firms and in-house roles. Her expertise includes knowledge of banking, finance, insolvency, regulatory including licensing requirements, AML/CTF, consumer and personal data protection, IP/IT law, litigation and various commercial contracts.

Aurimas - Senior Accountant

Aurimas has joined us as our Senior Accountant. He has more than 5 years of multinational accounting experience (GL, AP, financial statement, reconciliation, payroll, tax returns, consolidation, cash flow planning etc.).

Orinta - People Operations

The newest addition to the team is Orinta, an HR specialist. She has more than 5 years of experience in recruitment (something that is crucial for a young company) and will strengthen our talent acquisition forces. Orinta will gradually take over other HR and Internal Communication roles at Mysterium since in September Marta will be gone for a maternity leave. If you’re interested in any job opening, send her an email (

We continue to build a team of dedicated professionals, eager to take security and privacy to the next level. The following job positions are available:

- Office Administrator
Network Protocol Developer
P2P Developer
Senior Application Engineer
Senior Backend Engineer

Español / Spanish Telegram group

¡Hablamos Español! We speak Spanish and welcome all the enthusiastic new members to our network. Our new group has already helped us test our Mysterion client and will be participating in the node hosting as well from additional countries like Spain and Puerto Rico. Join our new Telegram group and ask us any question, participate in Mysterium project discussions and be part of our community. We now have English, Chinese and Spanish Telegram groups as well as our Announcements and FAQ.

Mysterium Network en Español / Spanish


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