What makes a good writer?

Kevin Liduli
2 min readJan 22, 2018


Source: nappy.co

Over the years, I have pondered over the question of what makes a good writer. I once made of writers as these scrawny fellows, always in eccentric dressing. At the back of my mind it seemed, all writers were cut out of the same, eccentric cloth- all bought from the same shop- probably an Indian Dukawala(no offence intended).

I have wondered whether I make the cut of a good writer. I still wonder. I do. Trust me. So what makes a good writer? And that falls for all kinds of writers from songwriters and composers, bloggers, transcriptionists and the ilk whose craft is the fitting together to form exciting tales, loving songs and explain complex thoughts, feelings and emotions?

I still do not have the confidence to introduce myself as a writer. I believe though, that I have over the years gained a few skills that help me grapple with the challenges of writing as a craft and profession.


Be a good Listener. This is one of the most important words of advice I have ever received. It also happens to be one of my greatest weaknesses. This is not just listening to conversations, but also being attuned to your environment at any given moment. Have you ever read those stories where the writer even describes the wind with emotions, such that your mind is automatically transported into the story? How did that feel like? I think that, that can be only achieved by a good and active form of listening. Transcriptionists will attest to the importance of being a good listener; this also follows with reading instructions.


Read widely. Do this to expand your vocabulary. Everyone loves a song or poem that not only rhymes but also flows with meaning; you just whoa to flow. Having a great vocabulary really helps in working such magic with words. This goes from storytellers and transcriptionists too. At times to really put to writing what is being said, becomes easier with a rich vocabulary bank. It is important to note that building your vocabulary does not imply using flowery language and hard to pronounce words. At times plain simple English works just fine. Wide reading helps you also gain insights into the styles of writing used by various authors, helping you to choose or develop one that suits your liking.


Lastly and most importantly, pump in the hours into your craft. Keep writing, even for a single audience such as yourself. Perfection is stationed somewhere along the road called persistence. Practice, practice and practice to perfection. It is what I have been doing with this article, practicing.




Kevin Liduli

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