Compound Effect of Content Marketing

Lidushan Gunaseelan
4 min readFeb 18, 2023


Organic Search takes a little longer to produce results. The graph below is an example scenario that displays the correlation between the total amount invested and customers acquired overtime for the Google Ads and Organic Search Channels.

The Google Ads results overtime is linear as seen in the graph above. Though Organic Search takes some time to yield results, it produces huge results compared to Google Ads after gaining momentum. The graph clearly shows the compounding effect with a hockey stick growth curve.

Let’s break down the mechanics of Organic Search & Paid Media

In the above example, a budget has been provided for both PPC and Organic Search for a period of 06 months. After 06 months, Paid Media has zero results since there won’t be any new visits to the website once the budget has been cut down.

However, the Organic Search traffic to the site increases after the 06 month period. This is because some of the content that was published earlier tends to rank higher after a few months of publishing. As an example, a content that ranked at position 6 or 7, might end up ranking at position 2 or 3. This results in a higher number of organic visits to the site. That’s why Organic Search is one of the underrated channels, since it tends to produce results even after the life of the campaign itself.

Let’s take another example where you focus on content marketing on your site for a period of 12 months, and your site grows from 0 to 15,000 visitors per month at the end of one year.

In this situation, even if you don’t make any effort on content marketing after one year, you will continue to reap the benefits of the efforts you made last year. If you decide to continue focusing on content marketing for your site after one year, the traffic you get during the second year will compound on top of what you have already done during year one.

In this case, it would be around 15,000 organic visits/month + traffic generated by the new content you publish during year two.

Since you have also built up the site authority for a year, the content you publish during 02nd year will rank much faster. Furthermore, the content published during year one will also likely improve in rankings resulting in a higher amount of traffic. You may actually end up having around 40,000 to 50,000 visits a month at the end of year 02. (Results vary from site to site, and this is just an example scenario)

This is an impossible scenario with Paid Ads, and most likely Cost Per Click increases every year and so you could end up getting less visitors the next year assuming that the budget remains the same.

There are tons of example sites that have experienced the compounding effect of Organic Search & Content Marketing. Let’s look at the Organic Search Graphs of some popular sites below.





Recently, we helped Interviewer AI grow over 200 organic visits per month within the first 30 days of working with us. If you’re looking to explore how to leverage the compounding effect of content marketing for your business, get in touch with us, or book a call directly on our calendar link.



Lidushan Gunaseelan

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