8 Days in Japan Changed My Life (And It’ll Change Yours Too)

13 min readAug 10, 2018
Kyoto — Fushimi Inari Temple

Japan is one of those trips you need to make at least once in your lifetime. If you enjoy the simple things in life, then you need to go (right now)!…and get ready to have your life turned upside down. The minimalism this country has to offer will definitely throw you in for a loop.

Tokyo Shrine

The most impressive thing about Japan is their immaculate, orderly fashion.

lock up your umbrella

Their discipline is so real and so logical, it doesn’t make sense why the rest of the world can’t keep up.

extra compartment for your stuff

Like when I ran out of toilet paper in the restaurant restroom, all I had to do was press a button down to have the rolls rotate and voila, I had a fresh roll! Aaaand that’s way better than trying to slide the toilet cover to the other side only to realize it’s stuck, leaving you SOL.

