Friends Who Work So You Can Stay Home — Quarantine Edition

5 min readMay 15, 2020

Introducing Fatima, An Essential Worker

Name: Fatima

Location: Lorton, VA

I am (an): Introvert/Extrovert/In Between

Occupation: Restaurant Manager

Lienette: What is your work status?

Fatima: I’m considered an essential employee, which doesn’t make sense to me. I honestly feel unsafe but I also feel blessed to be able to work while so many cannot.

Lienette: How does that make you feel/affect you?

Fatima: I personally don’t feel comfortable complaining because it makes me feel ungrateful but I know I have the right to feel unsafe especially since I’m exposing myself to many different people and sometimes without the proper gear. The biggest struggle for me is being unable to keep up with all the uncertainties. We’re pretty much forced to live day by day; there’s no possible way of planning ahead, not for your personal life nor your work life. Although for me some major stressors have been eliminated at work but the uncertainties brought up new stressors and challenges. For the first three weeks we didn’t know if we were going to remain open or shut down. Everyday we had to assess the numbers and anxiously listen in during conference calls and news briefings. The days…

