The law of attraction: fact or fiction?

Lienie V.
4 min readMay 14, 2020

I had an intense discussion about the law of attraction in my Spanish class, and it inspired me to write about it. The law of attraction would imply that positive thoughts, positive attitude attract positive events in your life. Bad thoughts, talking badly about other people would come back to you in forms of illness, bad luck etc. But would that imply that whoever is ill, is automatically a bad person?

Let’s start off with the positive thoughts and apply this to my own life. I consider myself as a fairly goodhearted person, one of the few pure souls left walking this earth. I mean no harm to anyone, but I can get very angry when people are intending to harm me on purpose.

Unfortunately I have experienced more than once in my life that people can be very bad and not always have the best intentions. Does that say something about me, or rather something about them? How do I apply the law attraction in that case? I mean, you can act as if you don’t care and fake it till you make it, but is that really the best solution? And will the “bad persons” get punished as the law claims.

Ever since I was a kid, I have had a strong sense for justice. If I would have been a bit more of a talker, I think I would have opted to become a lawyer. I was keen to solve any conflict my classmates had on the playground. Moreover, I always stood up for the underdogs. I feel like I’m a bit of an underdog myself, really.

If the law of attraction really works, all the good deeds I have done so far, should be repaid, right? But what happens if you know someone in your environment, who is a plain good person, those persons from whom you just know that they are GOOD and beyond GOOD, gets all the bad luck in the world??? I have seen it a few times happening, and I just cannot understand.

The opposite has happened to me too. A few times I have experienced the power of my mind, and the power of positive thoughts. I have a very strong intuition, and it has served me more than once. Those moments when you have insights no one else in the world understands, you cannot explain it, but you know it means something. That has happened to me too. Moreover, I didn’t ask for it, to have this knowledge, but sometimes I am ahead of things without even noticing it. Is this an example of the universe paying me for the good deeds I have done at the time?

But some moments it is very hard. We are just not made to be positive all the time, even though how hard we are trying to fake it. Sometimes we need to let our emotions flow and let it all go. And that’s allright. After all, we are no robots (or not that I know of) More and more I am starting to believe that we are programmed, that we think we are in control, while in fact, we are not in control at all. Oh yeah, we have control, till a certain degree, but some things in life are just planned out and whatever you choose, do or think, it WILL HAPPEN. If this were a Hollywood movie, I would say “it’s written in the stars”.

I can feel that a lot of people are going through a difficult time right now, and realizing that we cannot do it alone. The collective consciousness is changing worldwide. And this is not a good or bad thing, just an example of something that had to happen. We are all playing our part in this, even though if we are still not conscious about it.

So how can we try to apply the law of attraction in our daily lives?

Practise mindfulness


I try to be mindful all the time, and to see the bigger picture. Sometimes we are zooming in so much on our problems, that we forget about what we already have. Therefore, practising gratefulness is an art that should be taught to everyone. Appreciate what you have, and dream about what you WANT. Say for example“I want a beautiful house, I want to travel the world” in your mind. Try not to forget that what you already have, is beautiful. I call this the “abundance mindset”. But you can simply start off with being grateful that you are alive, that you had a beautiful day, that the sun is shining, that you were able to meet with some beautiful friends, that you have people who you can rely on, that you have a job… The smaller some things may seem, the bigger the impact on your current life.


Another key to mindfulness, is (daily) meditation. I have installed some apps like Headspace, but I am more keen to informal kinds of meditation. Having a bike ride, is for me the ideal way to practise informal meditation. Try to perceive the world with the eyes of a kid, as if you are experiencing everything for the first time. I was left in awe for quite a few times just by watching horses in the meadow. This may sound ridiculous to some people, but it works for me. And I’m fucking proud of it!

Believe in yourself

Believe that you are good enough. In many cases, we are our own worst enemy. We are kind for others, look up to them, but we are hard on ourselves. Being kind for yourself, and forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you have made, is a healthy approach to live a balanced life.

Enhance your imagination

Whatever you dream of, imagine it in your mind and try to start from a high vibrational state of mind. Imagine yourself being loved, successful, wealthy, healthy, happy. If you dream it, you can do it.



Lienie V.

Passionate about travel, discovering new cultures, languages, music, great food… In short, I am trying to enjoy life to the maximum.