HomeLab: Unable to connect Peet’s Coffee WiFi

4 min readJun 18, 2023


Spent almost 30min to figure out why my Mac can’t connect to Peets Coffee WiFi

homelab: how I resolved Peet’s WiFi Internet Connection issue


I went to Peet’s Coffee near where I live to have some coffee and research about the new project I will work on.

When I went there with my wife. The computer equipments we had were MacBook, iPad, and iPhone. ( yep, most of our equipments from Apple )

Bought coffee and tried to connect to WiFi

After we bought some coffee, we got a table. My wife opened her iPad to do her own stuff, and I opened my MacBook.

It was easy to find and click to connect to Peet’s WiFi.

After few seconds, my wife got on Peet’s WiFi, but my MacBook wasn’t able to connect. — hmm interesting.

Let’s start investigating why I wasn’t able to connect

I wasn’t sure why my MacBook wasn’t able to connect to Peet’s WiFi.

Actually, my MacBook was able to connect to Peet’s WiFi, but it wasn’t able to get the Internet Connection. ( Ok, interesting )

I opened up my iPhone and tried to connect to Peet’s WiFi and checked what types of processes it had to go through to get the Internet Connection.

  1. Select Peet’s WiFi
  2. a popup window showed up and asked to click “Free Wi-Fi Please” button after reading the “Terms of Services”
  3. UI asked to provide an email address ( it has to be a valid one; otherwise it will fail )
  4. finally, it went through some kind of authentication/authorization processes and my iPhone was able to get the Internet connection.
Peet’s Coffee WiFi
Peet’s Coffee WiFi — requiring to provide an valid email address

My MacBook was unable to show the popup window

Basically, the popup window having the “Terms of Service” and “Free Wi-Fi Please” has to popup to start the authentication/authorization, but somehow, my MacBook didn’t see it. ( shoot )

By using my iPhone ( since it can access the mobile network ), I googled if there are any resolutions I can use.

It might be caused by custom DNS entries

After I read several posts, I found an interesting post that might be related to the issue I have.

The post shared that sometimes the custom DNS entries might cause blocking the public Wi-Fi connection process. ( Ok. interesting )

Since I do have my own custom DNS entries that are pushed from my homelab routers, I guessed that removing those custom DNS entries might be able to resolve the issue I have.

Check the current DNS entries

DNS entries in MackBook can be found in 2–3 different ways. Once of them is checking the content of /etc/resolv.conf

Since MacOS sometimes uses the cached DNS, the active DNS entries might be different from the one in /etc/resolv.conf.

I checked what I had in /etc/resolv.conf. is my custom DNS server. And, is from Peet’s Coffee.

➜  ~ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# macOS Notice
# This file is not consulted for DNS hostname resolution, address
# resolution, or the DNS query routing mechanism used by most
# processes on this system.
# To view the DNS configuration used by this system, use:
# scutil --dns
# dns-sd(1), scutil(8)
# This file is automatically generated.

Remove custom DNS entries

The different MacOS versions have the different ways to find the DNS entries. ( yep, it is confusing )

My MacBook has MacOS Ventura 13.2.1. In the version, I was able to find and remove the DNS menu for the Peet’s WiFi Connection like below.

  1. Open Wi-Fi icon on Top-Right menu.
  2. Find the Peet’s Wi-Fi Connection
  3. Select DNS tab on the left
  4. Remove all DNS entries
MacBook WiFi
MacBook WiFi: click details in Peet’s Wi-Fi Connection
MacBook WiFi: remove all DNS entries

Forget Peet’s WiFi and Connect again

Once the all steps in the previous section are completed.

  1. Disconnect from Peet’s WiFi
  2. Connect Pett’s WiFi again

In this way, I was able to connect Peet’s WiFi

Why does the custom DNS block to connect to Peet’s WiFi?

Hmm. I guess it might be because my custom DNS ( ) is not reachable ( since I am not at home ), so the DNS requests are stuck and the Peet’s WiFi auth process wasn’t able to continue.

One thing I don’t understand is that why MacBook doesn’t automatically failover to the second DNS that is added by Peet ( ). At least, the DNS failover behavior is something I saw in CentOS Linux.




Gatsby Lee | Data Engineer | City Farmer | Philosopher | Lexus GX460 Owner | Overlander