On Heat Waves and Truffle Cheese — B.G.

Life and Love in La Ville
3 min readJul 22, 2022


July 21st, 2022:

Today, Hazel and I discovered truffle cheese.

I don’t think you understand what a life-changing experience this was.

She gets 100% of the credit, because not only was she the one to purchase the delicacy, but it was her idea to approach the cheese counter in the first place. I normally avoid such a thing. Who has any idea what any of the cheeses are? How do you know if they are any good? And most importantly, after the cheese has been cut…how much is it going to cost???

In order to answer these questions, you have to speak to the people behind the counter, and that is a scary proposition. People behind counters have a habit of making me feel very dumb. Also, once they’ve started helping me, I feel obligated to see the transaction through, even if it costs a fortune. I prefer to be extorted by clearly labelled packaging.

Luckily, it turned out that the sales people were quite friendly. While I had eyed the soft cheese with the black line through it dubiously, it turns out that I was very very wrong to doubt it.

I know it’s not the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen but this was definitely the yummiest cheese in the universe.

You can see the cheese in a plastic wrapper.
“Grand Mère Adrienne Chevre aux Truffes” at Atwater Market, in case you’re wondering

Finding the truffle cheese was pretty much our grand accomplishment for the day. Of course, originally we had planned on more, such as hiking up the mountain. As we headed home from Atwater market, cheese and baguette in hand, it had seemed like an easy enough thing to do. We walked along, chatting merrily about picnic blankets and breezes by the lake.

And yet.

Slowly but surely our pace slowed, as the Montreal air began to transform into a muggy, humid heat wave from hell.

Walking back up the hill from the market, it began to feel like we were swimming through a swamp. With each step we became a bit less certain about the wisdom in our plan. By the time we made it up the hill from the market to my home (which PS is still at the bottom of the mountain), we had abandoned all thoughts of a picnic at Beaver Lake. Instead, we decided that my living room floor would do quite nicely (I don’t know why I went to all the trouble of purchasing a dining room set when I seem to spend most of my time eating on the floor underneath it).

The cheese was magic. Butter meets cream meets truffle meets ecstasy. Melt-on-your tongue-delicious. Breathtakingly good. Some might call it orgasmic.

We spent the rest of the day soaking up the natural-ish air conditioned splendour of the great indoors.

Oh also…it’s day three and I still haven’t smoked any weed.

July 21st day calendar reads: “Spiritual progress is like detoxification. Marianne Williamson.”
My Zen day calendar: Workman Page-A-Day


Baby Girl



Life and Love in La Ville

Train explosions in India, sex clubs in Romania, hapless home life in Montreal. My soul is fractured and my heart, wounded, but the stories never end.