Anti-Bucket List Challenge

Jessica Levine
3 min readOct 9, 2022


The opposite of everything that I hope to do in life!

Photo by Will Porada on Unsplash

The Sturg is one of my wonderful Medium friends who likes to partake in challenges as much as I do! He tagged me in this interesting challenge that was started by Ginger Cook.

Instead of a true Bucket List where you name things that you would love to experience or accomplish in a lifetime, it is the exact opposite. This really made me think.

Here We Go! My Anti-Bucket List

  1. Roller Coasters — I have never been on one and I will never get on one! I am terrified of heights and speed, which is the definition of a roller coaster.
  2. Airplanes — For similar reasons as number one, airplanes scare me because of their high altitudes. I have never flown, and some people find that shocking.
  3. Camping Overnight…AGAIN — This story explains it all, I will never camp overnight again. It was a great experience overall, but never again.
  4. Eating Sushi — I have heard that it tastes as delicious as it looks, but given that I am a HUGE germ freak, I cannot bring myself to try the raw ones.
  5. A Cruise — I get motion sick on boats; this would be a disaster for sure!
  6. Traveling Long-Distance — I am a homebody and although I love to do things and socialize, I do not like to travel far from home. There is a beach several hours away and that is about as far as I desire to go.
  7. Being Around Large Bodies of Water — I am afraid of water that I cannot see through because so many animals can lurk in it. I also have a fear of water in general because of its power.
  8. Owning A Dog — I love dogs and I think they are very precious, but I am also scared of them (specifically large dogs). Smaller dogs do not scare me as much, but larger ones do even though they are so beautiful. I was almost attacked by a large dog; it was a very close call and I think that plays a role.
  9. Snowboarding — Although I have always wanted to try this, I would never because I am very accident-prone, and I have no sense of balance.
  10. Working the Night Shift — I can hardly work the day shift, let alone the night shift! I commend anyone able to do this.

Tag, You’re It!

I hope that you have enjoyed this challenge and getting to know a few things that I do not want to experience in life. I think these challenges on Medium are a great way for us to learn more about each other.

I challenge the following individuals to participate in this challenge if they would like and anyone else who would like to join! Please remember to use the tag “Anti-Bucket List.” Have fun!

Chloe S., Elena J, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Eva Rtology, Worrickjk, Osan Fernando, Matt Patton, Lu Skerdoo, Fernando Nunes, Super Niche Sites, Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz, Letícia, Sibouze, Natalie, Michael Rhodes, Chayla Marie

