3 min readJun 10, 2024

AFRICAN QUININE, QUININE TREE, Rauvolfia caffra Sond. Use In Herbal Medicine.

Rauvolfia caffra Sond., A significant African native plant is also referred to as the African Quinine or Quinine Tree. It is important for the Apocynaceae family and is found dominatingly in the southern and eastern areas of the mainland, including nations like South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania.


Appearance: Rauvolfia caffra is a medium to huge evergreen tree that can grow up to 30 meters in level. The tree has a thick, adjusted crown, and its bark is ordinarily grayish to brown, with a harsh surface.
Leaves: Large, glossy, and arranged in whorls, the leaves are They are straightforward, have an elliptical to oblong shape, and their edges are smooth.
Flowers: The tree delivers little, white to pale pink blossoms that are fragrant. These blossoms are typically borne in groups.
Fruit: When ripe, Rauvolfia caffra’s fruit is a small, fleshy drupe that turns black from green. These natural products are frequently pursued by birds.

Medicinal Uses

Rauvolfia caffra is prestigious for its restorative properties, especially because of the alkaloids it contains. By and large, different pieces of the tree, particularly the bark, have been utilized in conventional medication for a scope of illnesses:

Antimalarial: Albeit the name “quinine tree” proposes an association with quinine (an alkaloid used to treat jungle fever), the essential dynamic mixtures in Rauvolfia caffra are really unique. The tree doesn’t contain quinine yet has been utilized in conventional solutions for fever and intestinal sickness like side effects.
Hypertension: The plant contains reserpine, an alkaloid that has been utilized to treat hypertension. Reserpine works by dialing back the sensory system, which assists with loosening up veins and lessen pulse.
Mental Problems: Concentrates from the tree have been utilized to treat conditions like tension, schizophrenia, and other emotional wellness issues, logical because of the sedating impacts of reserpine.
Different Purposes: It has been utilized for treating snake chomps, gastrointestinal issues, and as an overall tonic.

Conservation And Cultivation

Living space: Rauvolfia caffra flourishes in riverine backwoods, beach front regions, and damp areas. It lean towards wet, all around depleted soils.
Spread: The tree is regularly engendered from seeds, yet cuttings can likewise be utilized. It is moderately quickly developing and can be developed in reasonable tropical and subtropical locales.
Preservation Status: While not right now recorded as imperiled, living space annihilation and overharvesting for restorative purposes could present dangers to its populaces in nature.

Cultural Significance

Notwithstanding its restorative worth, the African Quinine Tree holds social significance in a few African people group. It is frequently connected with customary mending rehearses and is regarded as a wellspring of normal cures.


Notwithstanding its advantages, the utilization of Rauvolfia caffra ought to be drawn closer with alert. The powerful mixtures it contains can make critical side impacts, especially connected with its effect on the cardiovascular and sensory systems. Proficient clinical counsel is suggested prior to involving separates from this tree for remedial purposes.


Rauvolfia caffra, the African Quinine Tree, is a remarkable plant with a rich history of purpose in customary African medication. Its pharmacological properties, especially the presence of reserpine, make it a significant regular asset for treating different afflictions. Be that as it may, mindful use and preservation endeavors are fundamental to guarantee its proceeded with accessibility and natural wellbeing.