Customized Insurance Policy Lowers Premiums As Much As 45%


July 2017 — Boca Raton, Florida


Life insurance buyers have a new and often better option to protect their beneficiaries. According to Ted Bernstein of Life Cycle Financial Planners, it may the most important choice they have when it comes to providing long term security for their families. The Installment Payout Option can be 45% less premium, annually.

Known as the Installment Payout Option, life insurance owners can now choose how their proceeds are paid to their heirs. Until this groundbreaking change in the world of life insurance emerged, a Lump-Sum payment of life insurance proceeds was their only choice. Instead of having $1,000,000 paid in a lump-sum, you can instruct the insurance company to customize the payment of the benefits. For example, the insurance company can pay your family 10 equal payments of $100,000. Or, maybe a lump-sum of $500,000 followed by 5 equal payments of $100,000 would be better? There are 100 other possible combinations because the installment option is completely customizable. And, it can be changed as often as you like. Family needs are dynamic and the policy is designed with flexibility to meet these needs.

We insure every aspect of our lives including our health, our homes, and our income. Why not protect your loved ones from an investment risk they can’t recover from, especially after you’re gone?


“A Lump-Sum payout to your heirs is often a recipe for disaster”, warns Ted Bernstein of Life Cycle Financial Planners. The proceeds are gone within 3–5 years because it is difficult for many to manage a sudden lump-sum of money, similar to the issues facing lottery winners who take a lump-sum. As a result, life insurance consumers have demanded an alternative. “Policyholders can protect their families from investment risk and drastically reduce their insurance premiums at the same time”, says Mr. Bernstein.

Lower Annual Premiums:

For many, it is a better structure and choosing it can save consumers as much as 45% EVERY YEAR for the same amount of insurance. Or, they can increase the coverage by 45% for the same premium as a lump-sum option. The payments can be paid between 10 and 30 years.

“From my experience, parents want to make sure there is enough life insurance to avoid any economic upheaval in the event of an early parental loss”, advises Deborah Bernstein of Life Cycle Planners. “The installment option is peace of mind you just don’t have with a lump-sum payout. We have seen too many situations where all the proceeds are gone within a few years of lump-sum payments”.

As the innovator of this option, Ted Bernstein says both term and permanent policies are available from the highest rated U.S. insurance companies.

Special Needs Families: “For families with special needs children, there is no room for error when it comes to investing assets for a lifetime. The Installment Option provides these families with a GUARANTEED solution.

The Installment Payout Option:

  • Reduces premiums as much as 45% for same amount of death benefit.
  • Premiums and benefits are GUARANTEED.
  • Protects heirs from risk by guaranteeing payments over time.
  • Customizable — great flexibility. Payment periods between 10 and 30 years.

Please call us at 561–869–4500 and let us help you compare your existing policy with the benefits of the Installment Payout Option. Or, email Ted.

Make sure to inquire about Life Insurance with living benefits and turn the face amount of your life insurance policy into an emergency health insurance fund.

