Cake Without Icing

Abhinav Thakur
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


In the world of social media and information overload it is hard to find some peaceful time for oneself. I have been dabbling with the idea of writing more but the many distractions in life just keep distracting me from it. I am a terrible procrastinator too.

And that’s how it should be!

In the last few months however, I have managed to cut some of the distractions. The first thing I did was, I started reading more books. I read about personal finance, personal improvement, fiction and everything I could get my hands on to. I still remember when I was only twelve, my thirst for reading was unquenchable. I’d bring books from the library over every week and read even under the sheets with a flashlight. As I got older, the passion slowly died down.

The last few months have taught me that the passion was still inside me, it was just shrouded with all the daily distractions we live with. The phone pinging with texts and notifications. The computer ringing with e-mail and social media notifications. It is just a lot of information to process. The mind isn’t yet fully capable of handling all of this. And while it is battling all the distractions (icing) it forgets about the true gifts life brings with it (cake).

One such gift is that of knowledge. They say you can either travel the world to see it or you can live it in the books. The saying is very true. The power of imagination is so enormous that it can create myriad scenes from books very easily. When I read a book, I imagine every detail. And of course, I am the protagonist, duh! This is why I love myself a cliffhanger every now and then. I’m too tame in real life to live on the edge like the protagonists in novels do. However, I can live their lives through reading their deeds!

As a kid I also loved cartoons and TV. However, TV cannot really replace what books give us. A good book is a prized possession. I doubt people could say the same of TV. It is another distraction to keep you away from your passions. Sometimes the icing can get very distracting, so much so that there is no cake in sight!

I like my cake without icing. I’d rather taste the cake than what is on the outside. But then again, I am more about inner beauty anyway.

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