Hiring Engineers for Startups

Building Startups

Its 2014. You are part of one of the bajillion startups in San Francisco. Worse, You are not a part of the hundreds of “celebrity” or “successful” startups in San Francisco. Startups with free lunches, 27" iMac’s, a guaranteed ticket to a social life etc.

  1. Time box the take home challenge so that its solvable in 2-3 hrs. Its unethical to ask a candidate to invest more time at this stage. And this should be enough to help you gauge how good his/her skills are.
  2. Give the candidate the opportunity to choose the problem he/she finds fun to solve. Remember, a lot of experienced candidates hate coding challenges and rightly so. Work hard on your end in creating problems which are fun and intriguing. This goes a long way in solving the “resource” problem.

