The True Story of the First Thanksgiving

Sam Ursu
9 min readNov 23, 2017
What is that little girl staring at?

My fellow Americans,

In order to take your minds off the increasing craziness that passes for what Thanksgiving has become these days, I thought that perhaps it was time for a story.

A story about what really went down on that cold winter’s day when the first Thanksgiving happened.

It is a tale that occurred many centuries ago when a group of refugees generously shared a meal with some Americans.


Peas Porridge In the Pot, Nine Days Old

To properly set the tone for this tale, however, we’ve got to back up a couple years to the voyage across the ocean on the fabled Mayflower.

One of the great blessings to historians is the fact that many original documents from the Mayflower have been preserved, including a list of everything that was loaded onto the ship.

This is the complete food list:

  • “Biscuit” a.k.a hardtack
  • Salt beef
  • Salt pork
  • Oats
  • Dried peas
  • Wheat flour
  • Butter
  • Oil
  • Mustard
  • Salt fish



Sam Ursu

Somehow, I ended up moving to a country that doesn't exist