AstroMissive #392 ….Rising to the Surface!

3 min readMay 10, 2024

AstroMissive #392 ….Rising to the Surface!

10May2024 7:59 am PDT/MST Friday morning

Take a deep breath. Ahhh…. Come back to your centered consciousness. Wow. We just went through the New Moon on Tuesday and traditionally this is a moment to wipe your slate clean and start with fresh new emotions and excitement for the month ahead.

So why was I all grumpy? Did anyone else have this happen?

I just realized Pluto turned retrograde on us a week ago and that combination brought deep emotional sensitivity to the SURFACE. (*Pluto is naturally ruled by Scorpio, currently in Aquarius.) What actually was happening being a catalyst for secrets that we keep much more hidden even from ourselves, to initiate internal revelation.

Egads. Little things pushed my buttons, everything was irritating, the dog wouldn’t come in, the cat got out….. AUGH! We ALL had to go into time out when it resolved. I thought I was going out of my mind!

That was a week ago, Thursday the 2nd for the Pluto shift, lasting through mid-October, the TURNING points becoming acute and this past Tuesday for the New Moon rebirth. In the interim, tired, cranky, achy, sore, …. eh.

Taurus is sensual and languid in its awakening, so here we are, three days into the cycle and finally feeling it! Come IN TO your own SKIN!

(*Literally; lotion, sunscreen, minty rub anyone?!?)

Ok, now take another deep breath. Ahhh……!

When planets align with each other together, this is called a “conjunction”. Specifically, when a planet aligns with The SUN itself, it is called a “cazemi” and there are two of these coming right up, with Uranus, naturally ruled by Aquarius and with Jupiter, naturally ruled by Sagittarius, currently both in Taurus.

The symbolism is that the planet dies in the Sun, going into a fiery death, being reborn anew on the other side.

This is the adventure for the upcoming week, Monday the 13th for Uranus and Saturday the 18th for Jupiter. Both will reveal something; bring to light, “enlighten”, figure out, bring on the “Ah-Ha!” Moments! Uranus is Humanitarian and All inclusive, the Wave of Humanity as One. Perhaps techie or electrical in its expression, or even “beyond your wildest Dreams!” of self epiphanies! Jupiter expands and Opens that door! Receive recommendation, “Drop my name at the door” and you will get in, Educate yourself, open your mind, with the Golden Ticket in your pocket to get you there! What What…?!? OK Life, BLAST OFF!

Taurus is the Material plane, “This Sensual World” as Kate Bush reminds us in song. Dig in the dirt, ground into the earth, bloom and face the Sun! The Tortoise wins the race~! Know your Value, BE your WORTH.

Know Yourself! The Movement of Astrology aligns with each person’s chart in a very Unique and Specific way! I will TELL you all about it. Conversational style sessions recorded remotely emailed to YOU immediately upon completion. (*Be sure to DOWNLOAD the file to your system and listen from there. It is a KEEPER! Hold yourself back from opening and listening from within the email….. no no…)

Request your Session with Etsy and $$SAVE!

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Be Well! Enjoy your Day!

Melissa Kae, M-Squared, MoonCat, LillieBEE, Laika Pyr & PAGE Mason

(*All of Me’s! So far…..)

