I am taking this NEW Challenge

Ashutosh Chandra Pandey
3 min readNov 1, 2023


HEllo everybody , welcome to yet another day, yet another blog, and before I dive deep into my day today , I would like to tell everybody reading this is that I am taking a new Challenge which is MONK MODE + NO NUT NOVEMBER

Ignore the Dirt on the Mirror I will clean it for sure, now only!! LOL

The Rule of this challenge are listed below and failing to even 1 of them will lead to me failing the challenge :
1. Daily Meditation 30 minutes
2. Daily Workout (Sunday Rest Day for Recovery) + 5 ltrs of Water
3. Daily Reading 20 pages
4. Daily working 1.5 hours on Personal Goal (Social Media_Instagram)
5. Daily Publishing one Blog

The above listed are the daily non negotiables which I must adhere to in order to win this challenge and if I win this I will treat myself with shopping worth 7.5k which is 10% of my salary and If I do not I will not buy a single thing in December.

One of my colleagues got this as gift so I posted this on my Instagram to show people that it is mine(Validation Seeking Human Nature kicked in)

Everyday I will rate myself out of 6 and if Anyday the score comes out to be less than 6, I will fail.

A mess which I had created in Office Today!!

Talking about the day today, I woke up and went to the gym where it was Chest Day and I did it, the exercises include Chest Press, Pec Dec Machine, Inclined Chest Press, Dumbbell fly , and then concluded the exercise with some stretching and all. Each exercise was 3–4 sets with 12–15 reps each. After coming back from the gym, I did my daily 10 minutes meditation and drank the shake which I consume daily( the ingredients of which I will tell someday, no secret as such) and then I left for the office.

This new habit of taking Soaked Sprouts to Office ( saves money and health)

The work that was given to me was completed in 30 minutes and rest whole day I just played TT without any guilt or anything, a senior associate asked for some help from me which I ignored and Aditi was there in my space constantly and at one point it became really irritating and I wanted to straightaway to leave but I could not because you know yesterday when I was feeling really low , she was there for me and I had no intentions to hurt her in any way so I did not but if this gets repeated the following days , I will straightaway say what I feel.

So yaa this happened, after I came back from office, i had my oatmeal and then wrote the Yesterday blog which I had missed and then sat down to write the blog which you are reading right now!!!!

That’s it for the Day!!
Thank You So much For Reading!!!



Ashutosh Chandra Pandey

An Engineer who has just graduated out of college and is trying out various things to find what he likes!! Come join me on this journey