Making excuses

Life of D3_ei
2 min readMay 21, 2019


Heyy guys! So recently I have been learning how to code. My method is to learn through doing different projects as I like to witness my learning on the go lol, and I do not have the patience to watch a 3 hour tutorial on java script and not know how to put all that knowledge together to build what I want. I usually come up with an idea of what I want to create, do some research on the code for something similar, and then just improvise the rest.

For my first ever project I decided to create an excuse generator because lets be honest, we’ve all been in that situation where we agree to go out, but when the time comes we just can’t be bothered and can’t think of valid reason to give for not going.

I began with googling how to create a random quote generator, and came across this article: . I then tweaked it for the purpose of producing excuses instead of qoutes. After doing that I watched a quick tutorial on basic html — and well for the CSS part lets just say it was a lot of trial and error ( I spent A LOT of time on and google learning how to align/position stuff lmao). I absolutely hate CSS and till this day i solve all problems using the Margin and Padding property lmao.

Anyways you can check out my excuse generator on:

Its not a perfect website, and there are probably so many features required for a website missing. Nonetheless, my goal was to focus on the key things I needed for this to work which was the title, the box for where the excuses appear and the button (tbh in the words of Dieter ram “good design is as little design as possible” lmao, so i’m not all that bothered.).

This project was a good introduction to coding for me as I’ve been able to touch on some of the fundamental stuff you need to know when learning to code, e.g java script, html, css, bootstap and familiarising myself with git hub and codepen. It also forced me to be innovative and find new ways of doing things when I was stuck.

This is just the start and I know I’ll get better at this. I’m trusting the process of working on different projects to refine my skills.

Maybe one day when I’m advanced at this I’ll redo this website to track my progress. But until now check out:

xx .



Life of D3_ei

A Polymath alien from Jupiter building on her skills so she can maximise her earthly potential. Lover of Art + Tech +building cool stuff.