Life Lessons from a Father to His Son.

Life Savior Thoughts
2 min readAug 12, 2023


Life Savior Thoughts! A medium that helps you to change your life.

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

We have always heard about the dad and daughter relationship. How the dad protects her and takes care of her. It’s a beautiful relationship.

But when it comes to the father-and-son relationship, it’s a little different. It’s mutual. The father and the son won’t show it, but they understand themselves better.

And I admire my father a lot. He has taught me the best lessons in life that I would have never learned from someone else.

Below are the 5 best lessons he has taught me:

1. Sacrifice

He always told me, “When responsibilities hit you, you get to know what’s important and what’s not. And you learn how to sacrifice what’s not important.” These words gave me a direction in life. It helped me to make better decisions in life.

2. Hard work

He says, “People will always say that hard work is overrated, but to get ahead, you should always work hard for what you want.” Here I knew what he truly meant. I have always seen him working hard for what he truly believed in and whatever he wanted.

3. Never compromise on your values

He once gave me a beautiful example of him and my mom. He said, “I always believed in my core values. One of my core values was to never touch alcohol my entire life when I was in college. Your mother liked that in me. She respected my values. She knew who I was.

And when you do not compromise on your values, the world follows you. They respect you for what you are. And having core values add meaning to your life.”

4. Respect

My father has always said, “We should always respect people. No matter who they are, where they are, and how they are. When we see humans as humans, we respect each other. And people don’t get big by their designation, money, or power. People get big by their humble nature towards others.”

5. Family is everything

He once told me, “World is a beautiful place, but very few people will care for you. The one who cares for you becomes your family. And family is something you should always look up to.”

That’s it!

See you next week,

Life Savior Thoughts

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