Why it’s trending to bash women

Laila Regalado
4 min readJun 17, 2023


Source: Pixabay

Why it’s trending to put women down

Seven women and three men sit at a table and discuss OnlyFans. Men state that women who have ever done OnlyFans, OR women who are ambitious, OR women who have a child would have low chances of finding a man.

In another show, roughly the same setting, the male hosts state that cheating is like ‘taking a pee’ for men (I changed the wording to make it a little less vulgar).

They talk about how women should not take it so harshly when they’ve been cheated on. It’s just what men do. But, it goes without saying, that women better not dare to have male friends or go out to parties. Because the man (yes, the cheating one), needs to protect what’s “his”. And after all, we all know that a woman in a club is not able to enjoy a night out with her friends as she, obviously, is approached by men by the minute.

I could continue with the insightful wisdom that is being shared on some of the modern dating podcasts for young men. But I’ll save my breath and instead summarise the valuable information, so I can pin these on my fridge and never forget:

  • Men are the price (literal quote)
  • Women are not special (literal quote)
  • Ambitious women are not desirable (because they are masculine. And masculine women = bad)
  • Women need to submit. Because this is feminine (almost literal quote)
  • Men cheating is meaningless.
  • A woman going to a club is unspeakable.
  • The more partners a woman has had, the less desirable she becomes (especially if she has children from previous relationships. Because, as we all know, the ability to create new life deteriorates a woman’s value. The last part is also a literal quote, by the way)
  • Men create value. Women preserve value (literal quote)
  • A woman’s orgasm is useless (literal quote)

Modern Dating Advice for Men

These are the hot topics of dozens of Podcasts and shows I watched to get a glimpse of the takes of -apparently- modern dating for men. Many of those Podcasts even start with having women rating themselves or the men in the Podcasts. I remember these ‘rating games’ from my early teens. But here we are, having grown-up men, in their 30s and above, asking women to do just that.

And so these women do, giving themselves 10s (I can’t believe I’m writing this) just to be humbled by the men on these shows. And all the people in the comments, of course.

One of these podcasts is so full of platitudes, cliches, close-mindedness and stereotypes that I’ve been dazzled on

  1. why women would come to the show and expose themselves to a conversation in which they are not valued and where their perspective is only listened to for them to “be humbled” by the hosts and
  2. why would people watch these shows? — I guess, having seen the comment section, to bash women.

One of these shows, possibly the most famous, contributes most of its success to the women who came to the show. While before, they’d be giving some mediocre fitness and investment advice; the views went to the roof once attractive women joined the show. These ladies became the thumbnail of many of the shows.

The aim? Humbling them!

Could you imagine inviting people to a show to entertain an audience of people who despise them? Well, these guys made a business model out of it.

It’s pretty shocking to see how the show hosts and many guests, as well as the audience, are so attached to prevailing stereotypes. But it’s not only that. If it were just some people talking about women cleaning and cooking and men working and protecting, it would be one thing. It really is about the comments under these shows. An abundance of hostility, to women in general. And GenZ women, divorced women or single women with OnlyFans account in particular.

Regressive and hostile attitudes towards women

Studies and Polls show that our young men’s attitudes towards women have regressed. Likely influenced by social media and Podcasts like these, they find their way into classrooms and the heads of young people, male and female.

Now I am not sure to which extent dating advice that further divides young men and women is leading to happy and successful relationships, but I am almost sure that it will leave a lot more people unhappy and lonely.

Unhappy with themselves, especially. Because what is unfolding within the comment sections is, besides the hostility, a tendency to blame everything outside of oneself, just in order not to take any responsibility for one’s actions that lead to problems in interpersonal relationships.

Can’t find a girlfriend? — It’s the evil feminists! It’s modern society!

Got dumped? — It’s because women are entitled nowadays.

Scared of talking to women? — It’s because of me-too. And Chads, who steal all the ‘available’ women.

What unfolds within the comment section is hostility — and an incredible lack of introspection. It is a black and white thinking, extreme polarisation and hatred. Hatred, apparently, towards women.

The words between the lines: “I am insecure in this world. It is hard for me to bear.” What are we going to do about that?



Laila Regalado

Neurones & Nirvana | I am a Psychology Scholar kindling the spirit's flame.