Easy Ways to Stop Worrying About Things Beyond your Control

Alexa Curtis Blogger
2 min readAug 29, 2019


You don’t have control over a lot of things that happen in life. And this is a brutal truth that most refuse to accept. Some who resist this truth end up being control freaks. They refuse to delegate tasks, micromanage, and try to force others to change. They have a notion if they are able to gain control over life and situations, they can prevent bad things from occurring.

Others know they have no control over bad things, but they worry about them anyway. From deadly diseases to natural disasters, everything freaks them out! They stay occupied by their worries. However, what they are actually doing is, wasting time. Worrying does not produce any good result.

This is a common scenario and if you are one of them, then check out the following helpful ways:

1. Determine what is beyond your control

When you find yourself worrying, try to examine things you can control. Like for instance, there is no way you can prevent a storm from coming, but you surely can prepare for it. Recognize that at times, all you can control is your attitude and effort. When you put all your energy into things you can control, you will produce much better results.

2. Identify your fears

We all fear negative outcomes and end up being worried about the same. Ask yourself, what are you worried about? Whatever may it be, usually the worst-case scenario isn’t as tragic as you have been imagining. But people at times are busy thinking about the negative results to some decision they have to take or have already taken.

Acknowledge that you can handle any change in the situation and will thus be able to live fearlessly. This is what Alexa Curtis, a famous blogger says. Read an Alexa Curtis mental health blog.

3. Focus on your influence

You can influence people and circumstances but not things to go your way. While you can plan a great party, you can’t make people enjoy it. So, to have the most influence, lay your focus on changing your behavior. Act as a good role model and set healthy boundaries for yourself. As mentioned above, you can check out an Alexa Curtis lifestyle blog.

So, these are 3 ways you can stop worrying about things you can’t control. And for the best results, you may check out the helpful blogging site ‘Life Unfiltered With Alexa Curtis’.



Alexa Curtis Blogger

Alexa Curtis, a young talent is now an inspiration to the coming generation especially the teenagers. Ruling the social media platform with the weekly podcast .