Liger: The Unprecedented Phenomenon with Unique Incentives for Everyone!

Liger Coin
2 min readJun 29, 2018


Blockchain Communities are built upon a shared conviction and belief in the underlying Technology and its effective application in a unique Business Idea. It is imperative thus, that there is something for every Community member at each step, regardless of whether they are Enthusiasts, End Users, or Holders . Liger’s unique business processes, driven by the power of Smart contracts, includes built in rewards for all the Community stake holders.

Liger’s Community Ecosystem is designed so that it will feature two prominent stake holders — Gamers who will experience ease of settlement and transparency in their use of Liger tokens, and ICO Token holders that see futuristic growth value in Liger Tokens.

The Gamers (Ron, in the video) will enjoy the fruits of paying and playing with Liger Tokens at the Offline Casinos and websites. They are incentivized with ‘Liger Exclusive’ promotions and rewards at all Gaming locations. They get extra chips, club membership, exclusive discounts as well as the provision of immediate settlements of their Winnings, directly to their Liger wallet.

The other Token Holders (Sheldon in the video) will get a chance to let their money grow with Liger’s unprecedented Staking Feature. Liger encourages ‘long term asset creation’ for their users, through their Unique Staking Mechanism. Liger Tokens appreciate the wealth of their Token holders when they choose to Stake their tokens with the Liger Owned Casinos. The Casino then places bets on their tables, on the Holders’ behalf using their staked tokens. The value generated by staking the tokens is calculated based upon the Casino’s quarterly profitability and is then distributed back to the Stakeholders through the Smart Contracts built into the underlying blockchain, according the respective ratio of their Stakes- after having accounted for Operational Expenditure, Taxes, Reserves, Burning Reserves and incentives for the Team.

Liger thus ensures that whether you are a GAMER or a TOKEN HOLDER wishing to increase their wealth, rewards are always around the corner for you.

Don’t wait for the prices to go up! Buy early to avail the 15% Bonus NOW!

Click on and join the ‘Future of Crypto Gaming’ with LIGER!



