Boost your vision prototyping

Efficiently experiment with image processing to streamline your workflow.

Levent Tasdemir
3 min readApr 12, 2023

As technology continues to advance, the field of machine vision is rapidly evolving. However, creating and testing new vision algorithms can be a time-consuming and challenging process. To keep up with the latest trends, professionals need tools that are both efficient and flexible. AyBorg provides just that, allowing users to experiment with image processing and create their own custom plug-ins.

AyBorg is an innovative application that provides a powerful image processing pipeline for industrial professionals. Users can create and manage multiple “agents” that handle the image processing pipeline.

One of the key features of AyBorg is its intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating custom workflows. Users can easily experiment with different processing techniques by dragging and dropping plug-ins onto a workflow diagram and connecting the input and output ports of these plug-ins. This allows for easy customisation and optimisation of the image processing pipeline.

AyBorg offers a number of pre-built plugins that can be used as starting points for more complex projects. This allows users to quickly prototype and test their image processing workflow without the need for extensive coding.

Quick start

All you need to do is clone the AyBorg repository and run Docker Compose.

git clone --recursive
cd AyBorg
docker compose up -d

You should now be able to open AyBorg in your web browser:


The default credentials are
User: SystemAdmin
Password: SystemAdmin123!

Select an agent to work with

The default Docker Compose already provides 5 AyBorg Agents, select one by clicking on the name of the Agent.

After creating a new project, you will see an empty workflow.
By dragging and dropping the steps (plugins) from the left panel onto the workflow, you can start prototyping your image processing.

Some quick tipps

Add more images to work with

The default Docker Compose instance is set up for demonstration purposes, to add more images you can copy/move them into the AyBorg/misc/demo/img folder.

The MQTT plugins are not sending there payload

As AyBorg is made for industrial usage, it has built in an extra level of security. AyBorg will not send anything to the MQTT broker until the project is marked as production ready, to prevent personal injury and property damage. If you want to override this rule, you have to enable it in the project settings in the top right corner.


In just a couple minutes we set up AyBorg and are ready for our image processing journey.

We take advantage of a scalable and flexible architecture that allows us to efficiently process large amounts of data. In addition, AyBorg’s pre-built plug-ins provide a starting point for more complex projects, allowing for quick prototyping and testing.

What next?

In my next article i will explain how you can extend AyBorg’s pre-built plugins with your own custom ones. Giving you the power to dive deeper into the field of image processing.

GitHub repository:

