Make plans together

3 min readDec 20, 2018


It’s Wednesday afternoon and you are sitting at work trying to finish up those pesky TPS reports that your boss keeps bothering you about. The work is so tedious and boring that your mind is drifting away to your yet-to-be-finalized weekend plans. You text your bffl group chat and ask if anyone is up for a group dinner Saturday night before a night out on the town. Resounding “OMG YASSSSSSSSSS’s” come pouring in followed by several suggestions from your friends on hot new restaurants they have been dying to try. You scroll through your phone to OpenTable and query what’s available Saturday night at 8 PM for 6 people. Of course, nothing your friends suggested is available…But onwards you trudge, trying to find something that looks half decent to accommodate you and your friends. There is a sushi restaurant fairly close to y’alls favorite club, so it would be easy to head straight there from dinner…

“How does Sushi sound?” you text inquisitively into the group

“Ew, no I hate raw fish”

Okay, back to the drawing board….


“I’ve eaten Mexican like 3 times this week already and I’m starting to look like a double stuffed burrito LOL, can we do something else?”

Ughhhh okay… Let’s keep looking… Ah ha! The perfect place 😊

“What about the new Italian restaurant over on the corner of Queen and Pape?”

“That’s so far! Its like negative a million degrees outside…”

Frustration starts to set in, it feels like you are herding cats. OpenTable is supposed to make this easy!! Haven’t you seen the Instagram ads where food magically appears on plates after you text your friends “dinner tonight?” It should be THAT EASY, but its not, but it could be…. With lightbeam 😊

lightbeam allows you to live broadcast your phone in a private chat. It turns your mobile experiences into shared mobile experiences. lightbeam has an incredibly interactive user interface and allows you to cast your screen and audio to your friends while subsequently collaborating with them over text, audio, or video. On top of more traditional digital communication channels, we have also built in the ability for you to communicate through annotations as well — it’s almost like digital body language. Check out the video below to see how lightbeam works.

This is not just an app for collaborating on reservations though, it is an app for collaborating in every part of your mobile life. People are spending upwards of 5 hours a day on their smartphones and due to the nature of those 6-inch screens, this is mostly alone time. We want to reduce digital isolation and allow you to loop your friends into your digital life. With lightbeam, you can watch your favorite YouTube videos with friends, jam an album together on Spotify, or do something more productive like help your friends swipe for their next hot tinder date!! If you are anything like us, we think you will agree that most things in life are better when they are shared 😊 Check us out at!




Make any app collaborative with lightbeam’s social screen sharing. Check us out in the app/play store @