A Brief Introduction

Meet me, if you please.

LdD on Earth
2 min readMay 16, 2024

Salve. Hello.

I’m Helen.

All that should be known about me can be found in my bio, but here’s what you need to know:

  • reading this, being here, is signing up for an odyssey of an experience,
  • through my thoughts, discoveries, experiences, and lessons in matters that interest me and may happen to pique your interest too.
  • I am not a luminary (although I am a Luminary), so I warn you to not expect of me sagely quotes or expressions of total understanding of topics I’d be discussing,
  • However, I can promise you might learn a new word or two, see the world in a way you might never have if you did not meet me, and witness what evolving is like through documentation while partaking in it yourself.

The creation of this post, as well as subsequent ones, marks the start of a journey towards self-actualization (self-realization) and I hope to nudge you towards yours as you (hopefully) embark on it with me.

Majorly, I’ll be exploring design.

I’ve found it to be a concept and an aspect of our world that captures my attention a lot, because it successfully merges three concepts I love: self-expression, creativity, and maintenance of balance and order.

I’ve also found it to be a major means of solving problems—which are endless when it comes to living and even merely existing.

So, the plan is to explore it.

Are you convinced that you should get in on this yet? Make sure to follow me, so that you will be notified about my next post.

Till then, vale. Bye-bye.



LdD on Earth

Salve. I'm Helen; a votary of Christ and aficionado of God's mightiness and poiesis. I love words and weaving them. I also find knowledge pleasing. You are...?