5 min readMar 15, 2022

The time has come to light our lanterns!

A message for Lightworkers and Empaths: what are the signs, how to protect yourself and how to use your powers for good

Being an ‘empath’ or ‘lightworker’ means that you are one of the most powerful humans walking the planet as you are able to feel people and transform dark into light. Here, I share my experiences and shed some light on things you may be experiencing yourself right now. As the world seems to be getting darker, I hear a call in my soul from the spirit realms that the time has come to light our lanterns – come light them with me!

Who are you?

If you can identify with the terms ‘lightworker’ or ‘empath’, then there is a chance that you are one or both of these. Lightworkers are sent to Earth to transform and transmute energy. Most of the time, they do not realise that they are doing this.

So, why do we transform energy? Well, even science says that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be changed into something else, whether that is light or dark.

You may have noticed people say that when they are around you, they feel better and more hopeful – or even healed? That’s what lightworkers do, their special energy is capable of just that.

Other ways we transform can be through being creative – some write, others sing, dance, or run businesses to empower people. Anything you do to make the world a better place or guide people out of dark practice – that’s transforming and transmuting.

There are some downsides, yes, just like everything else in this world. We have to take exceptional care of ourselves otherwise we may become spiritually burnt out, tired and even sick.

“Self-care, self-care and more self-care”

Self-care is paramount. This can involve meditation and visualisation, or clearing yourself and your space, taking a shower, having a haircut or a luxury body skin scrub. Some may want to use sage or other herbs – Dead Sea salt baths are amazing. I have also discovered that when I have done a lot of transforming, I find it difficult to be in crowds. When this happens, I retreat within myself or go away for a few days until I feel more like myself again.
This is not a negative thing, it’s part of who we are. As a healer, you will also take on other people’s energy, but if you learn how to protect yourself and say to yourself that …

“I choose not to feel, I choose not to take this on”

… this sets an energetic boundary, and it works for me every time. So, you can care and be compassionate without absorbing negative energy.

“Being an empath doesn’t mean that you should be a doormat and let people walk all over you”

An empath is someone who can truly feel what others (and animals) are going through by stepping into someone else’s moment (or, metaphorically, their shoes). The problem with this is, if you do not understand how to manage this beautiful gift, you can stay in that person’s moment and take it on as your own. This can lead you to become unbalanced and no longer know what is real.

I used to take on everything like a sponge to the point where I no longer felt like myself. I was in a negative mood all the time and did not know why because I am of a cheerful disposition and, unless there is something obviously wrong, there is never a natural need for me to feel unhappy or be negative.

Once I understood the importance of clearing my energy field, which is where we collect debris from people and their thoughts, I found that when I am fully rested and cleared, I can stand in a crowded room and not take anything on. This also includes not feeling like some of my energy is ebbing away because that can also happen – especially if you are around people who are sick or just have bad vibes. Both knowingly and unknowingly, they can pull on your energy and leave you feeling tired.
I used to fear this, but now I don’t! Once you build up your energy and understand self-care, and know how YOU truly FEEL, it will be rare that anyone can drain you or latch onto you. You will feel a difference in the air around you and be able to say …

“This does not belong to me; I refuse to accept it.”

Some signs that you are a lightworker (based on what I know)

You lift the energy wherever you go.

People experience some form of healing in your presence.

You experience a lot of spiritual pressure, which some call psychic attacks, as you naturally walk into dark energy and transform it. You can feel the anger from the darkness, especially if you are transmuting someone who is under a spell or witchcraft. It’s as if you experience a form of backlash, but this is nothing to fear as eventually it is transformed, as long as you self-care and know how YOU truly FEEL.

You feel called to do something global.

Some signs that you are an empath (based on what I know)

You can forgive the unforgivable because you can see what is behind a person behaving in a certain way.

You can see what type of childhood people have had and see how it has affected them in their adult life.

You are extremely sensitive and can sense energies that no one else can.

You can hear frequencies that no one else can.

You see colours, signs, and ancient symbols.

You are a natural healer, one that does not need any training or initiations.

So, take care of yourself and remember that being an empath doesn’t mean that you should be a doormat and let people walk all over you. I feel that’s a mistake I myself used to make until I realised there are a lot of not-nice people in this world who will see your beaming light, latch on to it and try to destroy you through your powerful emotions – because our greatest weapons are our EMOTIONS!

Stay in the Light,
Janet x

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I write about spiritual and wellbeing happenings. I uncover the hidden in people's lives. London, UK https://linktr.ee/lightinthelantern