Psychic in Sedona Arizona

2 min readNov 9, 2021


Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer)

Are you sick and tired of the same old self-help books that do not work? Do you want to know how to live with more ease? The answer lies within your own heart. Allow me to help you connect with your own inner wisdom. The tools I use include channeled messages (clairaudience), clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, mediumship, past life healing work, and healing. The best part about working with me is that it’s all done on skype or phone. You can call me anywhere in the world! This is how psychic reading works: you call me for a 15-minute psychic reading, and I will give you guidance on your current situation. If you are not satisfied, you can try another psychic reading for free within 24 hours of your first psychic reading. We will use clear quartz to remove energy blocks and rose quartz to fill your aura with love. There will also be healing for you to release negative energies and receive healing energy from the angels. The process for this service is: You book your session and I will connect with your guides and spirit family. I will ask you to think of a few things that you would like to work on, and we will focus on those areas. I will then do a clearing on your guides and spirit family to remove any blocks they may have. I will clear your chakras and aura and then I will do a healing for you. Kyla Love And Light (Psychic Medium + Healer) is best described as the best Psychic in Sedona Arizona




Kyla Love And Light is a Psychic Medium & Healer who counsels clients on all aspects of life, including love, career, health, and more.