Published inThe Truth about ExtraterrestrialsThe Truth About RoswellThe truth about Roswell is there was a cover-up. The front-page headline in the Roswell Daily Record (the local paper) the day after…Jun 29, 20192Jun 29, 20192
Published inThe Truth about ExtraterrestrialsMysteries of the Moon Part 2Who Built the Moon?Jun 22, 20194Jun 22, 20194
Published inThe Truth about ExtraterrestrialsMysteries of the Moon Part 1The Origin and Purpose of the MoonJun 22, 2019Jun 22, 2019
God is an Ocean… and so are YouThe Ocean as a metaphor for life, the universe, and everythingJun 13, 20192Jun 13, 20192
Published inUnderstanding RealityImpossible Ancient Monuments in the Peruvian AndesIn the Peruvian Andes, near Cuzco and the Urabamba River Valley are walls unlike any other on Earth, including those of other ancient…Jun 6, 20192Jun 6, 20192
What’s Up with Captain America in Avengers Endgame?There are many apparent temporal paradoxes in Avenger’s Endgame that I’ll never be able to understand until I’ve got the movie on DVD, and…May 12, 20191May 12, 20191
Signs that you should Get the Hell out of a RelationshipI originally published most of this story as a response to one of Laura Rosell’s stories. Once I had written the response, I realised it…May 1, 20193May 1, 20193
Community Government: A System of Government that would Actually Serve The PeopleThe systems of Government we have now are fundamentally flawed: they more closely resemble fascist dictatorships than the democracies they…Apr 21, 20192Apr 21, 20192
Published inThe Truth about ExtraterrestrialsThe Mysteries of MarsThere WAS a technologically advanced civilisation on Mars… so what happened to it?Apr 13, 20192Apr 13, 20192
Published inThe Truth about ExtraterrestrialsUnusual Theories of How the Solar System Was FormedWhy the Accretion Model Doesn’t Add UpApr 13, 20191Apr 13, 20191