It’s Unitasking not Monotasking :)

Urgent Pigeon
1 min readAug 13, 2016


The word “Multitask” was coined in 1965 in a description of what a IBM system 360 could do, it is composed of two parts “multi-” and “-task.”

The prefix Multi- comes from the Latin multus “much, many,”

The root -Task comes from the Latin tasca “a duty, assessment,”

So if we want to change the word for doing multiple things to a word for doing one thing we want to change the prefix.

The prefix Mono means “one, alone”

The prefix Uni means “having one only”

So how do we know which one to choose?

Mono is greek. Uni is latin. Because Multitask is composed of only latin parts, we must choose the latin prefix.

Don’t mix Latin and Greek, folks!


(Or do whatever you want. We know what you mean when you say monotasking and it doesn’t really matter as long as we are communicating. I’m just being pedantic… sorry)



Urgent Pigeon

I like educational psychology, books, and moving towards a better society