10 Best Library Management Software In 2023

12 min readAug 30, 2023

In the digital world, libraries are not just about books anymore. They are places where you can find lots of information and do many things. To help run libraries smoothly, we have something called library management software. It’s like a special tool that makes things easier for librarians and library visitors.

Imagine a super helpful assistant inside the computer or mobile. This assistant keeps track of all the books and things in the library. It also helps you borrow and return books without any trouble. Even if a book has a special code or a sticker, this assistant can read it easily.

This guide will show you all the cool stuff that library management software can do. I will talk about simple buttons, finding books online, and even using computers to do library tasks. I will also look at some really good library software that libraries use. So, get ready to learn and make libraries even more awesome.

Features to Look for in Library Management Software

When searching for the right library management software, it’s important to know what features can make your library’s tasks easier and more efficient. Here are some key features to keep an eye out for:

User-Friendly Interface:

A good library management software should have an easy-to-use interface. This means clear buttons and menus that make it simple for librarians to navigate and perform tasks.

Catalog Management:

The software should help organize and categorize all the books and materials in the library. This feature makes it easier to keep track of what’s available and where it’s located.

Barcode Scanning and RFID Integration:

Look for software that supports barcode scanning and RFID technology. This allows librarians to quickly scan books and other items, making the borrowing and returning process smoother.

Circulation Management:

Efficient circulation management features are crucial. This includes automated check-in/check-out processes, due date reminders, and the ability to handle fines and fees.

Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC):

An online catalog lets library visitors search for books and resources remotely. A good OPAC feature should offer search filters, availability status, and other helpful details.

Reporting and Analytics:

Software that provides reports and analytics helps librarians understand circulation patterns, popular items, and other insights that can guide decision-making.

Multi-Library Support:

If your organization has multiple libraries, look for software that supports managing them all from a centralized system. This streamlines administrative tasks and resource sharing.

Digital Resource Management:

In today’s digital age, managing e-books, eJournals, and other online resources is essential. Ensure the software can handle both physical and digital materials.

Integrated Accounting and Budgeting:

A feature that helps manage library finances is valuable. This includes tracking expenses, managing budgets, and generating invoices for fines or purchases.

Benefits of Library Management Software

Library management software offers a range of advantages that modernize and simplify library operations. Here are some key benefits that highlight its importance:

Enhanced Organization:

Library management software helps librarians efficiently organize books, digital resources, and other materials. This results in a well-structured library that is easy for both staff and patrons to navigate.

Efficient Cataloging:

With software, cataloging becomes quicker and more accurate. Librarians can easily input information about books, and the software generates organized catalogs, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Streamlined Circulation:

Automated check-in/check-out processes facilitated by the software speed up circulation tasks. This means less time spent on administrative tasks and more time dedicated to assisting patrons.

Accessible Online Catalogs:

Library management software allows patrons to search for books and resources online, offering the convenience of checking availability and reserving items remotely.

Accurate Inventory Management:

The software keeps track of borrowed and returned items, reducing errors and helping librarians maintain accurate inventory records.

Effective Resource Sharing:

In multi-library systems, software enables efficient resource sharing among different branches. Patrons can access materials from various locations seamlessly.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Library management software generates reports and analytics that offer insights into patron preferences, circulation trends, and popular items. These insights help librarians make informed decisions.

Time and Cost Savings:

Automating routine tasks such as check-ins, check-outs, and fine calculations frees up staff time for more valuable interactions with patrons. Additionally, streamlined processes can lead to cost savings over time.

Improved Patron Experience:

By offering quick access to materials, easy search options, and digital resources, library management software enhances the overall experience for patrons.

Integration of Digital Resources:

Modern libraries often have digital resources like e-books and eJournals. Library management software seamlessly integrates these digital assets into the library’s offerings.

Enhanced Security:

Features like barcode scanning and RFID integration improve security by preventing unauthorized borrowing and ensuring that library items are accounted for.

Centralized Administration:

For libraries with multiple branches, centralized software enables efficient management of all locations from a single platform.

Top Contenders in the Library Management Software Market

Librarika ILs

Librarika is a cloud-based Integrated Library System (ILS) that operates as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. It serves as an inclusive solution for anyone seeking to manage their library, whether physical or virtual, using an Integrated Library System. Librarika ILS caters to a diverse range of users, including Universities, Colleges, Schools, Medical Institutes, Public Libraries, Non-profit organizations, Government Agencies, Corporate Offices, Departments, Social Institutes, NGOs, Families, and even individuals with personal libraries. With Librarika, managing cataloging, circulation, and resource organization becomes simpler and more accessible for libraries of various types and sizes.

Features of Librarika ILS:

  • Cost Effective — 100% free libraries for up to 2000 titles or records.
  • Unlimited Members / Patrons
  • Unlimited Staff / Manager / Administrator
  • Built-in OPAC
  • Public / Private libraries
  • Smart Books Add using ISBN
  • Import / Export
  • MARC Import
  • Biblio Data Integration with OpenLibrary
  • Members/Patrons Login
  • Members Access History
  • Members Check-ins / Checkouts
  • Members Online Reservations
  • Members Auto Join
  • Bulk Import of Members / Patrons
  • Bulk Actions & Batch Updates
  • Export Members
  • Unlimited Management Stuff
  • Self-service Library for Small Offices.
  • Multiple Branches
  • Fees & Payments
  • Reviews & Ratings
  • Intuitive Reports
  • Email Reminders of Due / Overdue Items
  • Mobile Apps for Librarians
  • Barcode Reader / Scanner Friendly
  • Integration Widgets for Websites
  • Multiple Language Supports
  • Multiple Color Schemes
  • Simple and User-friendly


Libib is an online library management and circulation system that works on the cloud. It’s made for libraries, schools, groups, and even personal collections at home. With Libib, you can make different collections, organize books, movies, music, and video games. You can add tags, write notes, import and export things, and even share your collections. There are two subscription choices to pick from, so you get what you need. Libib is the perfect spot to keep track of and handle all your media, right here on the internet.

Features of Libib

  • Multi-user Management
  • Lending
  • Expanded Search
  • Searchable Published Library
  • Patron Email Notifications
  • Checkouts
  • Batch Edit
  • Add Books by Library of Congress Number
  • DDC, LCC and LCCN
  • Edit Everything
  • Barcodes


Alexandria Library Automation Software is designed to be simple to start using, easy to understand, and made to match what you need. It’s not just about managing the library — It believes in making your library an important part of your community and school. Their aim is to make the experience better for users and patrons. Alexandria helps you connect with your patrons, makes your daily work smoother, helps people find things in your collection, and boosts the number of items borrowed. It does all this through four important solutions that are made just for you.

Features of Alexandria Library Software

  • Library management
  • MARC cataloging
  • Lexile integration
  • Supports reading programs such as Accelerated Reader
  • Due date and policy flexibility
  • Thousands of flexible reports
  • Integration with book vendors such as Bound To Stay Bound
  • Web-based patron interface
  • Access to third-party databases such as netTrekker

Evergreen ILS

Evergreen ILS is a powerful software designed for libraries. Evergreen makes it easy for library visitors to discover materials and helps libraries handle, organize, and lend out those materials, no matter how big or intricate the libraries are. Evergreen is special because it’s open source — that means it’s free for everyone to use and improve. The Evergreen Project is a nonprofit organization that supports this software. So, whether you’re a library or a library lover, Evergreen is here to help make library experiences better for everyone.

Features of Evergreen ILS

  • Circulation Management
  • Cataloging management
  • Online public access catalog
  • Self Service — Evergreen comes with self checkout and registration options that can be activated by the libraries.
  • Acquisitions: for staff to keep track of those materials purchased; invoices, purchase orders, selection lists, etc.
  • Authorities
  • Serials
  • Web based staff client that is OS independent
  • Added Content services Chillifresh, Content Cafe, Novelist, OpenLibrary and Syndetics natively supported with others supportable.
  • Native APIs for writing custom clients.
  • Statistical Reporting
  • Search/Retrieve via URL and Z39.50 servers

Atriuum ILS

Atriuum is a robust library system that works right on the web. It’s like having your library with you wherever you go. Atriuum lets library staff and patrons access it from any computer or device — whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or mobile device. It’s made for both librarians and library visitors. With Librista, a free mobile app, you can easily connect to your library and manage your own account. This app works on iOS® and Android™ devices, making it super convenient. Atriuum is all about keeping libraries and their patrons connected and organized.

Features of Atriuum

  • Customizable reporting features
  • Patron managed renewals, reserves, reviews/ratings, etc.
  • Flexible OPAC templates including over 100 themes
  • Mobile apps for Andriod and iOS mobile devices
  • Seamless eBook integration with OverDrive, and others
  • OPAC Snapshot content enrichment service options
  • SURFit™ federated search options
  • Student Information System (SIS) integrations
  • Off-line circulation


Surpass Software is a leading cloud-based library management system trusted by libraries worldwide. Thousands of libraries rely on Surpass to streamline their operations.

Surpass is an affordable choice for all types of libraries, whether it’s a school, public, church, museum, or corporate library. Whether you’re setting up a library system for the first time or upgrading an existing one, Surpass has got your back. With Surpass, managing libraries becomes easier and more efficient, ensuring that libraries of all kinds have the tools they need to succeed.

Features of Surpass

  • Activity Dashboard
  • Barcodes
  • Cataloging/Categorization
  • Circulation Management
  • Content Library
  • Data Import/Export
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Equipment Tracking
  • Fee Collection
  • Inventory Management
  • OPAC
  • Online Catalog
  • Patron Management
  • Private/Public Libraries
  • Records Management
  • Reporting & Statistics
  • Resource Management
  • Search/Filter
  • Self Check-in/Check-out
  • Serials Management
  • Third Party Integrations
  • User Management


Koha is a special tool that helps many types of libraries around the world. It’s open-source, which means it’s free for everyone. Koha is like a big friend for libraries, helping them organize and manage books. It’s the first system of its kind that’s free and open-source. People from different libraries and places work together to make Koha better. This tool can do a lot of things for libraries, and it keeps getting better with help from lots of people. Koha is all about making library work easier and helping libraries no matter where they are.

Features of Koha

  • Various Web 2.0 facilities like tagging, comment, social sharing and RSS feeds
  • Union catalog facility
  • Customizable search
  • Online circulation
  • Bar code printing
  • Patron card creation
  • Report generation
  • Patron self registration form through OPAC


Follett Destiny Library Manager is a powerful tool designed for school libraries. It’s a complete system that’s available all day, every day, making connections between the library, classrooms, and homes stronger. With this system, libraries can manage everything smoothly. Students, teachers, and families can easily access resources, whether they’re in the library, classroom, or at home. Follett Destiny Library Manager is like a bridge that brings learning closer, making it easier for everyone to find and enjoy books and materials.

Features of Follett

  • Acquisition Management
  • Barcodes
  • Cataloging Management
  • Circulation Management
  • Fee Collection
  • Inventory Management
  • OPAC
  • Patron Management
  • Periodicals Management
  • School Libraries

Ex Libris -Alma

Alma, powered by Ex Libris, is the world’s fastest-growing cloud-based library services platform. It’s unique because it’s the only platform that takes care of print, electronic, and digital materials all in one place. Being completely cloud-based, Alma is like a smart friend for libraries, providing them with a cost-effective way to manage everything they need. With Alma, libraries can be efficient and organized, saving time and money. It’s like having a superhero for library management, making sure everything runs smoothly and brilliantly.

Features of Alma

  • Metadata management
  • Streamlined workflow
  • Standard compliant
  • Mobile-ready
  • Monthly releases
  • Unified

Evolve Integrated Library Software

Evolve Integrated Library Software is a modern tool made just for libraries. It was built using feedback from librarians over many years, so it’s like having a library expert right at your fingertips. With Evolve, you can manage your library collection and borrowing tasks without any stress. It’s designed to fit how you work every day, so you can finish tasks quickly and save time. Evolve is like a helpful friend that takes care of everyday library tasks, allowing librarians to focus on serving patrons in the best way possible.

Features of Evolve

  • Works in conjunction with Evolve’s mobile app to better serve your patrons.
  • Allows automatic SMS and email communication between library and patron.
  • Easily customizable to fit your unique library environment.
  • Easily integrates with third-party software.
  • Utilizes Z39.50 and Marc Imports for quick and accurate cataloging.
  • Web-based software requiring only an internet connection.
  • Google-like search functionality.
  • Efficient bookdrop check in.

Choosing Library Management Software

Selecting the right library management software is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your library’s efficiency and services. Here are key factors to consider during the selection process:

Scalability and Customization:

Ensure the software can grow with your library’s needs. Look for options that offer scalability and allow customization to adapt to your unique workflows.

Budget Considerations:

Determine your budget for library management software, including initial costs, ongoing maintenance, and support fees. Compare different software options to find the best value for your investment.

Technical Support and Updates:

Check the level of technical support offered by the software provider. Reliable customer support and regular software updates are essential to address issues and stay current with new features.

User Training and Onboarding:

Consider the availability of training resources and onboarding assistance. A user-friendly software with comprehensive training materials can ease the transition for your staff.

User-Friendly Interface:

Choose software with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. A straightforward design helps reduce training time and minimizes the learning curve for your staff.

Required Features:

Identify the specific features your library needs, such as cataloging, circulation, online catalogs, and reporting. Ensure the software offers these essential functionalities.

Compatibility with Existing Systems:

If you have existing systems, such as RFID technology or digital resource platforms, ensure the software can integrate seamlessly with them to avoid disruptions.

Mobile Accessibility:

Consider whether the software offers mobile access for both staff and patrons. Mobile-friendly features can enhance convenience and accessibility.

9. Data Security and Privacy:

Data security is paramount. Look for software that employs encryption and follows industry standards to protect sensitive patron information.

Digital Resource Management:

If your library deals with digital resources like e-books, ensure the software can effectively manage and provide access to these materials.

Reviews and Recommendations:

Research reviews and seek recommendations from other libraries using the software. Insights from peers can provide valuable insights into the software’s pros and cons.

Future Expansion:

Consider your library’s growth plans. Will the software support additional branches or locations? Ensure it aligns with your expansion goals.

Demo and Trial Period:

Request a demo or trial period to test the software firsthand. This allows your team to assess its usability and how well it meets your requirements.

Vendor Reputation:

Research the reputation of the software provider. A reputable vendor is more likely to offer quality software and reliable support.

15. Data Migration:

If you’re transitioning from an existing system, inquire about the process of migrating your data to the new software. A smooth migration is essential to avoid data loss or disruptions.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your library’s goals and ensures a seamless transition to the chosen library management software.

So, library management software is really important for libraries today. It helps make things organized and easy for both librarians and visitors. I learned about its useful features, benefits, and top choices. When picking software, think about what your library needs, like making borrowing books simple and having an online catalog. Remember, choosing the right software is like making a smart decision that helps the library work better. By using good software, libraries can stay helpful and important in the digital world.

