The only park in Puri Town

Likan Patra
3 min readDec 27, 2016


I live in a small town of ODISHA known as Puri. Its a popular tourist destination for Indians and mostly for Bengali people. We have a Huge Jagannath Temple, a Most amazing konark temple, an awesome sea beach and lots of resorts. People love to visit here anytime in the year.

I feel myself lucky to born at puri because during holidays all my friends come here to party. Being N atheist I do a lot of argue about the existence of God but I love to discuss more about it.

Last month I stopped my business and returned back to my home town puri. I have lots of old memories starting from my school days till now.

So now lemme tell you the reason for this post. Today morning my mom woke my up at 6am and asked for a morning work. First I hesitated and then I decided to join her. I tied my shoes and we went to the Gandhi Park, the only park in Puri which lots of people know and visit everyday.

This is bit old picture. Now it has pedestrians all over. Every year during festivals people come here to celebrate, distribute food to poor people. Every morning and evening hundreds of kids, students, old people etc come to the park to have some fresh air and have some workouts. The park is located at exactly beside the sea beach so that every time we get breezing wind coming from the sides. I really love the Dandi March installation which explains the salt satyagraha. That is huge and looks real 3D.

But when I went to the park today I saw something different. More than 50% trees are dead, about 20% walking roads are damaged, the main fountain is not working, the water below then small handmade bridge is dried up, lights are not working much, grasses became yellow, one wall is broken and lots of other dynamic changes was there. The tower where we used to watch the amazing beach view from the top is almost damaged. The main entrance is closed and local people are entering only from the side mini entrance.

I felt really sad about it. It simply looks like an old dead field. Parks and Gardens are like an blank canvas and hell lot of things can be done at the space.

Public installations and arts can be done, monuments of our own culture can be done, monthly events like mini local festivals can be done. The park is so big that it can easily become another spot for tourists if it will be planned and executed accordingly. Wind is blowing here all the time, if large trees will be there then shade will also make the area cool.

I am not blaming anyone for this but it has been neglected by the local municipality and government. It must not be ignored and can be utilized very ideologically.

Hope that someone of the municipality will take this article into consideration and take some initiatives to make the park green and unique so that every other person will take a selfie from various places inside the park.


