What are the benefits and advantages of Positive thinking?

Anna John
5 min readNov 24, 2018

All the time in our life, we have been hearing that life is a mixture of ups and downs. Yes it is! But none had told us that it is our choice whether to continue stay up or down. Yes, it is completely up to us to choose our life and choose what happens to our life. But how?

Always be Positive

It is proven by the legends of legends that you are the only person responsible for what happens in your life. For that you just need to cultivate good positive thoughts inside you. Being positive is not an easy thing, it needs continuous practice. And once you are stable you can change the destiny upside down.

An individual’s thoughts and attitude defines his character. The one who has positive attitude towards everything has a much better lifestyle and happiness than others. Research has been proved that developing positive attitude, as in, perception on life and believes has so much to do with your well-being and brings you the life you want. Good positive thoughts lets you face whatever comes into your life in a different way, and trust me the outcome could be miraculous.

Benefits of positive thinking are numerous in number. It helps you achieve your goals irrespective of how difficult it is. Whenever an odd situation comes into your life and your mind become stressed, with the help of positive thinking you can overcome the stress and become motivated to move on. You become a more charming person and it enhances your relationship with people. Simplest positive thinking technique is simply focusing on finding a solution to a problem instead of being negative focusing on thinking why it ever happened.

Let’s see some of the advantages of positive thinking:

  1. Positive Attitude
  2. Stress free life
  3. Positive people around
  4. Better Health
  5. Attract everything you want

Now let us have a walk through all the advantages,

  1. Positive Attitude

Most of the people tend to go with the wind and then blame destiny for whatever happens in life. Positive people have a positive attitude in their life and surround themselves with happiness, energy and good people. They enjoy every second of the day and radiate positivity wherever they go and reflect it into their present, future, workplace, people around them and every single thing associated with them. It brings you success and joy. You just need to forget the past, stay and feel good, and be grateful always.

2) Stress free Life

Unlike other people the positive thinking people react to the difficult situations in a different way. They do not sit and recall the past and get upset for whatever happened, instead they get up and face everything positively and find out the solution. Once you develop a positive attitude you will be free of worries and the solutions would come to you on its own. But for that you should not let negative thoughts dominate you.

3) Good Health

Positivity not only reflects in your mind but your body as well. Positive thinkers will have less illness and is seen to possess much stable mental status and strength. They are less likely to suffer depression and are more healthy than the negative thinkers.

4) Good Relationship with people

Positive people are more likely to make a great impression on their first meet itself. People get attracted to those who are friendly and have a great positive attitude and they bring a positive vibe in the atmosphere. Always surround yourself with positive people and give you good vibes to them as well.

5) Attract whatever you want

If you make positive thinking a habit then you can attract all the great things into your life. There are no limitations to your dreams and there is no one who could stop you you from achieving it other than yourself.

How to be Positive?

You can practice positivity by Meditation. You just have to spend 10 minutes daily in the morning. Free your mind, close your eyes and relax. Meditation is the best positive thinking technique and it can make remarkable changes in your life if you practice it constantly with belief.

Repeat some positive affirmations over and over with a couple of positive words. Your mind and body work together with the affirmations. You can repeat one short sentences like,

I’m happy and content

Today is a good day

I’m grateful for everything I have

and so on…

Positive thinking enhance our thoughts and thereby our actions get improved which will result in a better life. It’s always better to have more light in the day, more laughs in the conversation, and more smiles in life than negativity. We are what we think and it will continue to be. So, it is necessary to purify our thoughts and fill it with positivity and bring an optimistic attitude.

