Transforming Lives: 10 Days of Gratitude on Social Media

Lilia Janice
5 min readSep 10, 2023


In a busy and noisy world, there’s a special thing that’s like magic. It’s making people see things in a better way and feel happier inside. Lots and lots of people are getting this magic, and it’s changing their lives for the better!

It’s the 30-day gratitude challenge that I am leading live-streamed daily on Facebook and Instagram at 21:21 BST. As we mark the completion of the first 10 days, we delve into the transformative power of GRATITUDE, and the harmonious impact it has had on those who have embarked on this journey.

I am so happy and grateful that so many people are willing to transform their lives for the better with the power of gratitude.

The Power of 21:21 BST

The choice of 21:21 BST is not a mere coincidence. In numerology, the number 21 signifies transformation and harmony. This perfectly aligns with the essence of gratitude. Each day at this time, I go live on socials and lead participants in a journey of transformation through the simple act of acknowledging the beauty in their lives.

A Journey of Gratitude

Everyday we are adding a different twist of Gratitude, so by the end of 30days everyone should really get the grips of all the types of things we can be grateful for.

The challenge began with an invitation to appreciate someone deeply — a friend, a family member, or a loved one. This act of recognizing the people who bring light into our lives sets the tone for the entire challenge.

From there, everyone looked at how amazing nature is and how lucky we are to live in this incredible world. This was followed by a unique and whimsical suggestion: write your appreciation in the sky. Though symbolic, it encouraged us to dream big.

Day by day, the challenge delved deeper. We expressed gratitude for the breath that sustains us, for the person we often forget to appreciate — ourselves, and for the remarkable vessel that carries us through life — our bodies and our health, every cell is important to sustain us.

Gratitude for forgiveness was a profound moment of healing, teaching us the liberating power of letting go. Finally, we culminated in a manifestation day, setting intentions and manifesting our desires for the week ahead.

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

The responses from participants have been nothing short of heartwarming. I appreciate every single one of them. Messages of appreciation have flooded in, filled with gratitude for the shift in theirs lives such as these ones:

“I am so happy and grateful I have joined your challenge. I see my life flowing better, even my husband asked me what happened because I seem happier and nothing really changed in our lives. I told him, I am changing the way I see life. So thank you Lilia so much”

“What I asked in the manifestation day, happened within 4 days, I had failed at it before but really starting this challenge gave me the boost of energy and positivity I needed to believe in myself. I can’t thank you enough Lilia! The world needs more people like you.”

“Being part of your challenge has made me happier and it is good for my soul. I am doing it with my 6 year old daughter and she is loving it too!”

“I wanted to let you know that I found your live sessions not only instructive but also calming and caring and the exercise of saying that I am proud of me super powerful. I got a bit emotional”

“I cautght my 5 year old daughther imitating you Lilia in front of the mirror, she is saying “I am so happy and grateful that” for all day long!! So nice to see her happy and I am also happier since I joined in. See you later at 2121"

“I am so happy and grateful for us to cross paths! A week ago I was feeling low, after joining your challenge, I feel more optimistic and positive and I feel happy with the little moments”

“I have to share with you, after starting this challenge with you I feel it is already working! I was doing gratitude in my mind, but using a journal has totally shifted and intensify my feelings of gratitude and reflexion. I am so happy and grateful to have you in my life”

“Cycling home from a busy and stressful day today I was so grateful for the sunshine and the warm air… it made me let go of the stresses and any feelings of frustration that I was feeling. I felt sincere gratitude”

“I am thinking about gratitude all day. I am so grateful for my life”

As you can read, many have shared how it has allowed them to see life through a new lens, focusing on the abundance that surrounds them rather than the scarcity.

The Remaining 20 Days: A Transformative Journey Awaits

As we celebrate the completion of 10 days, we recognize that we’re only halfway through this transformative journey. There are still 20 days ahead, and the potential for growth and change is immense.

The beauty of the gratitude challenge is that it’s never too late to join. Whether you’ve been following from the beginning or are just discovering it now, you can jump in at any point. Each day is a fresh opportunity to embrace gratitude and experience its profound effects.

Why Gratitude Matters

Gratitude isn’t just a feel-good practice; it’s backed by science. Studies have shown that practising gratitude can lead to increased happiness, better mental health, and even improved physical health. It rewires our brains to focus on the positive aspects of life, fostering resilience in the face of challenges. It does not mean that bad days don’t happen, it just helps us focus on the positive and even turn something not so good into a learning curve and even a positive experience.

Join the Journey

If you haven’t joined the challenge yet, there’s no better time than now. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram, set your alarm for 21:21 BST, and prepare to embark on a transformative journey of gratitude.

Remember, gratitude isn’t about denying life’s difficulties; it’s about acknowledging the goodness that coexists with them. It’s about recognizing that even in the darkest of times, there’s something to be thankful for.

The more we appreciate, the more we receive. That is the law of the Universe.

So, are you ready to TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE, one day at a time? Join the gratitude challenge, and together, let’s create a world where positivity, harmony, and transformation are the norm.

The next live session is just a few hours away. See you at 21:21 BST, ready to embrace the power of gratitude.

“Gratitude brings more into our lives to be grateful for.” Louise Hay

