Unlocking Wealth and Fulfillment: The Power of Self-Investment Before Commitment

Alexa Simson
2 min readJun 11, 2024

It is extremely important to understand from a young age the impact of our choices. Life is a complex of events that can lead us to what we want or can lead us exactly where we feel completely dissatisfied. Getting started wrongly from the first years of life can have a negative impact on the individual. To avoid this aspect, it is absolutely necessary to invest in yourself. To invest in your education, in your knowledge and to deeply analyze what you want and prepare to go through different processes. An aspect that most of the world avoids talking about is the importance of feeling professionally and financially fulfilled above the urgency of starting a family. When you want to create something solid, reflect on your situation and work where you feel exhausted. Avoid running towards short cuts or momentary pleasures because you will disappoint yourself in the long run. It is easy to have sex but it is not easy to create a business. It is easy to spend your money but it is not as easy to produce the money. It’s easy to believe what you’re told, but it’s not as easy to read, look for evidence, weigh things up and make a logical decision. That is why it is necessary to admit the deteriorating behavior of countries at war, misery, deprived of technology and to admit that they are not an example to follow. With all the positive and…



Alexa Simson

Msc Ulster University Business Management. Career in leadership and management. I love writing, photography, gym, travelling. Lesbian.