Altered States of Consciousness’ Mystical Depths


Image created by Liliane Najm using Discord’s AI technology.

Altered states of consciousness, from mystical realms to scientific study, have captivated humanity throughout history. Rooted in ancient societies’ cultural and spiritual tapestry, these states were not merely psychological phenomena but gateways to mystical awakening and cosmic unity.

In the past, practices like rhythmic drumming, meditation, and chanting were central to transcending ordinary awareness. Shamans in Siberia and the Americas would dance and use natural hallucinogens to embark on spiritual journeys, pursuing connections with higher realms and ancestral wisdom. Eastern traditions turned to yoga and meditation, seeking enlightenment or Nirvana, where the individual self merges into a greater cosmic whole.

The use of sacred substances like ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms by various cultures testify to the reverence held for these natural portals to altered consciousness.

As scientific understanding dawned, the perception of these states evolved. The Age of Enlightenment and growing scientific inquiry started to demystify these experiences, viewing them through the prisms of psychology and neuroscience. The twentieth century, especially its psychedelic research era, marked a keen interest in scientifically understanding and harnessing the therapeutic potential of these altered states of consciousness.

Nowadays, the exploration of altered states bridges science and spirituality. Neuroscientists examine brainwave patterns and neurochemical changes, while psychologists study their therapeutic potential. Ancient practices, now intertwined with modern understanding, continue to offer insight, mixing ancient wisdom with contemporary knowledge.

This journey reflects humans’ prevailing quest to unravel the mysteries of the mind and soul. From shamanic rituals to modern neuroscience, this exploration continues to reveal the complexities and possibilities of human experience.

Image created by Liliane Najm using Discord’s AI technology.

Uncovering the Brain’s Secrets in Altered States

Neuroscience has progressed significantly in understanding how altered states manifest in the brain. This exploration includes examining changes in brainwave patterns, neurochemical balances, and regional brain activity.

Brainwave Patterns: Typical waking consciousness is associated with beta-wave activity, whereas altered states like deep meditation or hypnosis often show an increase in alpha and theta wave activity, indicating relaxation and reflection. REM sleep, another altered state, exhibits brain patterns akin to wakefulness, capturing the world of dreams.

Neurochemical Changes: Altered states of consciousness often correlate with changes in neurotransmitter balances. Psychedelics like LSD heighten serotonin activity, altering perception and cognition. On the contrary, meditation influences dopamine and endorphin levels, contributing to altered perception and well-being.

Regional Brain Activity: Advanced imaging techniques have shown that certain brain areas display altered activity during these states. For example, in deep meditation and when using psychedelics, a part of the brain that usually thinks about oneself is less active. This change often leads to feelings of losing one’s sense of self or ego.

Deciphering the Mysteries of Altered States

Psychology offers various theories to explain the occurrence and nature of altered states:

Adaptive Processes: Several theories suggest that altered states of consciousness may function as protective adaptations, helping individuals manage stress or trauma. In this view, dissociative states act as mental barriers, protecting the psyche from experiences that are too intense or overwhelming.

Windows to the Unconscious: Freudian and Jungian psychology see these states as portals to the unconscious, unveiling hidden emotions, desires, and conflicts. Hypnotherapy uses these states to access and resolve deep psychological issues.

Cognitive Models: These ideas say that altered states happen when the brain changes how it handles information. This can include changes in how we pay attention or in how we plan and make decisions.

Pioneering Studies and Experiments

Critical research endeavours have significantly contributed to our understanding of altered states:

Psychedelic Research: Mid-twentieth-century experiments with psychedelics by figures like Timothy Leary and Aldous Huxley opened an understanding of how substances like LSD alter perception and cognition. Contemporary studies are exploring the potential of these substances in treating mental health disorders.

Meditation and Mindfulness: Neuroimaging studies on long-term meditators have revealed significant changes in brain structure and function, particularly in attention and emotion regulation areas.

Sleep and Dream Research: Studies on sleep stages, particularly the Rapid Eye Movement sleep, have offered insights into the role of the brain in generating dreams, contributing to our understanding of memory consolidation and emotional processing.

Neurofeedback: Research in this area shows the potential of consciously altering brainwave patterns, with implications for treating conditions like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and anxiety.

Hypnosis: Modern research has validated hypnosis as a legitimate psychological phenomenon, with neuroimaging revealing distinctive brain activity patterns during hypnotic states.

Diverse Pathways

We can reach altered states of consciousness through various means, each extending a distinctive perspective:

Meditation and Mindfulness: These ancient practices, now extensively embraced, involve focused attention or mindfulness, leading to profound relaxation and awareness. Regular practitioners often report experiences of transcendence and interconnectedness.

Sleep and Dreams: Sleep, especially the REM phase, is a natural altered state where dreaming occurs. Dreams, with their surreal content, provide insights into the brain’s workings during altered states.

Psychedelics and Drugs: Substances like LSD induce drastic alterations in perception and cognition, often associated with profound psychological insights and emotional liberation.

Hypnosis and Trance States: Hypnosis, a state of heightened focus and suggestibility, is used therapeutically to access deeper mind levels. Trance states, achieved through repetitive rituals, lead to detachment from the physical and a deeper spiritual connection.

Personal Accounts and Therapeutic Use

Altered states often have significant personal and therapeutic impacts:

Personal Accounts: From meditators experiencing oneness with the universe to individuals using psychedelics for deep psychological insights, these experiences can be transformative.

Take for example Amina, a long-time meditator who practiced daily, focusing deeply on her breath and the present moment. During a particularly profound meditation session, Amina entered a state where she felt a complete dissolution of her individual identity, merging with her surroundings. She described it as feeling a deep connection with everything around her, from the air she breathes to distant stars. This experience left her with a lasting sense of peace and a deeper understanding of her place in the universe.

Or Tom who under supervised therapeutic conditions used psilocybin to explore his subconscious mind. During his psychedelic journey, Tom confronted unresolved emotions surrounding his relationship with his late father. He relived key moments from his childhood, but with a new perspective, feeling a mix of empathy and forgiveness. This experience profoundly shifted his understanding of his past and helped him heal long-standing emotional wounds, leading to improved mental well-being in his daily life.

Therapeutic Use: Altered states of consciousness are being used more in therapy because they can really help with mental health. A therapy called EMDR, used for PTSD, creates a short-lived altered state of mind that helps patients deal with and understand their traumatic memories better. This often leads to a significant improvement in their symptoms.

For clarity, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy technique developed in the late eighties. It is mostly used to help people recover from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). EMDR is based on the idea that the mind can heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.

Ethical Considerations

As we explore these states, ethical considerations, including safety, informed consent, and accessibility, are crucial. Ensuring safe, supervised environments and fair access to these potentially transformative experiences is paramount.

A Journey into Human Consciousness

Altered states of consciousness represent a rich and complex facet of human experience, linking the mystical, scientific, personal, and universal. From ancient spiritual practices to contemporary neuroscience, they challenge our understanding of consciousness, reality, and the human psyche. As we continue to explore these states, we open ourselves to the vast possibilities of the mind, offering insights into the profound mysteries of human experience.

Image created by Liliane Najm using Discord’s AI technology.

A Tale of Transcendent Realities

In the heart of Nereth City, under the endless hum of urban life, there was a small, unassuming café known as The Lotus Eater. Its owner, a silver-haired man named Elie, was something of an urban legend.

Elie was known to possess a rare gift, the ability to guide willing souls through altered states of consciousness without a single drop of psychedelics. The curious and the desperate sought him out, hoping to glimpse beyond the veil of their everyday reality.

Sarah, a neuroscientist who defined herself by her commitment to empirical evidence and rational thought, was drawn to The Lotus Eater. She was grappling with an existential crisis, her scientific mind unable to come to terms with the sudden loss of her younger brother. In Elie, she sought answers that science could not provide.

On a rainy evening, Sarah sat across from Elie in the dimly lit back room of the café. Elie’s eyes, deep and knowing, seemed to peer into her soul.

“The journey of consciousness is not an escape but a deeper encounter with reality,” Elie said softly.

As Sarah sipped the herbal tea Elie had prepared, the room began to dissolve. She walked through a vivid dreamscape, a world more real than anything she knew. The city had transformed into a lush forest, vibrant and teeming with life yet strangely silent.

In this altered state, Sarah experienced the intertwining of joy and sorrow, the interconnectedness of all things. She wandered through the forest until she came to a clearing, where she saw a young boy playing. His laughter was a melody that seemed to harmonize with the universe. As she approached, the boy turned and Sarah gasped. It was her brother, as she remembered him, full of life and wonder.

They spoke without words, a conversation of the soul. Her brother conveyed a sense of peace and understanding, an assurance that his existence was not confined to the physical realm they once shared. At that moment, Sarah’s rigid beliefs were challenged, her grief intermingling with a newfound sense of connection and continuity of life.

As the vision faded, Sarah found herself back in the café, tears spilling down her face. Elie sat across from her, a gentle smile on his face.

“Sometimes, the answers we seek are not in the realms of the seen, but in the experiences of the soul,” he said.

Sarah left The Lotus Eater feeling uplifted. Though she returned to her world of science and reason, she carried with her an unshakeable awareness of a deeper reality, a web of consciousness that connected her to her brother and to the mysteries of existence itself.

In the mundane rhythms of her daily life, Sarah found a new sense of wonder, a bridge between the practical and the mystical, forever altered by her journey beyond the mind.



Liliane Najm, indie writer & self-publisher

Writer, blogger & indie publisher, Liliane weaves tales of magic & wisdom inspiring hearts to find solace in enchanting words.