The Best Practice That Connects You With Your Inner World

Here’s a quick but effective practice that instantly connects you with your inner world.

Lilla Wonders
4 min readAug 10, 2023
Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash

Imagine you’re sailing the open sea.

You’re alone on a boat that belongs to you.

Look at your boat first. How is it? Is it small, or is it big? Old or new? What color?

Now look at the sea. How is the water? What about the weather?

And lastly, how are you? What are you doing on the boat?

You can do this exercise anywhere, any time. You can do it in less than a minute, or make it last as long as you wish. The more you do it, the more perceptive you become to your inner world.

Now let’s translate what you saw. It’s actually quite simple, at least in the beginning.

The boat is you, your ego, your overall state of mind, and how you appear in the world. It is also what you can comprehend from your inner world at the moment. I’d say, it’s your house, your home on the ocean.

The ocean is your inner world — both unconscious and conscious.

And the “you” who’s on the boat is your soul. More accurately, it’s your soul’s awareness.

Try not to analyze it too much. The point is to let the pictures come up without judging them.

First, it might not make sense. Or the contrary, it seems too obvious. You’re chilling on your boat. The water’s neat, the sun is shining. You might be in a good mood in the physical world as well. Duh. What’s the big deal?

The big deal is that you allow yourself to be on the boat. That’s it. I mean, how often do you look within and let yourself do nothing to just perceive your inner world? How often do you allow things to show themselves without judging them? Or without making decisions about them right away in an inferior dimension (= in the physical world)?

Seeing yourself sailing might seem pointless in the beginning. But the more you do it, the more things will appear. And the more you’ll see.

I made a list with a few guidelines and advice that hopefully help you with this practice. So here it comes…

1. Don’t resist.

Learn to let the pictures come and go. In other words, you need to let anything come up that wants to come up.

At the same time, you need to let them go if they want to leave. Don’t get attached to them.

It takes practice to realize that your mental pictures (and thoughts) move on their own without you controlling them. But once you do, you’ll never look back.

2. Go with the flow.

Phew, the “go with the flow” cliché. But hey, you’re sailing the ocean. It’s the wind and the waves that take you to places.

There might be a longer time of no wind to move you forward, but don’t get discouraged. New winds always arrive.

3. Make it your sanctuary.

It’s your inner world. It’s your boat. Feel free to go back to it whenever you need to.

After a while of doing this practice, I discovered that I had everything I needed on my ship. It’s there to be my home while I’m sailing the waters of my psyche.

It can be soothing. It can be inspiring. It can be exciting.

It’s all up to you.

4. Don’t judge your visions.

Your imagination is an endless source of power.

It’s not childish. It’s not insane. It’s certainly not a waste of time.

Actually, it’s more real than the physical world. It can give you a tremendous amount of information. It’s smarter and wiser than your rational mind will ever be.

5. When you get into a storm, ride it.

One day, you might check within and find your boat in a huge storm at the sea.

Don’t panic.

It happens. Storms come and go, and there’s always some wisdom they teach you.

Violent pictures might come up but it’s just your Shadow trying to get your attention. Acknowledge them, let them exist, but don’t engage in them.

Nothing can hurt you in there. Your vision boat is unsinkable. Even if it breaks into pieces, it returns to its unharmed form the next moment.

6. It’s not you who’s driving.

Whether you sail with a small boat or a big ship, there’s one thing you need to remind yourself over and over.

It’s not you who’s piloting.

Accept that you don’t have the level of focus required to set (and keep) directions. You have a human ego and human needs with a destructive nature. That’s just how it is.

So unless you want to sail in circles — which of course manifests in the physical world as well, called vicious circles — try to give up ego control.

Who’s driving then?

Well, it is actually you, but the part of you that has access to limitless consciousness. I dedicated this blog to sharing my experience about how to connect and have a good, loving relationship with them.

I hope you found this article useful, this is definitely my all-time favorite practice.

After doing it for a few months now, I noticed that I always find the answers on my “ship” and barely need any validation from outer sources.

How cool that is!



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: