Billions of Bright Eyes

2 min readMar 12, 2022


Photo by Fateme Shahabi on Unsplash

Looking back on a million boys I have liked in the past

Bright eyes

Smart shirts

Soft glances from the back of the room

The feeling that you want them to look at you

But you are terrified of it at the same time

Glance after glance after glance

Well aware that I`m giving myself away

Knowing that I only like him for his looks right now

Knowing that he doesn`t even know my name

No wonder my sisters make fun of me for it

But he is so beautiful

Standing there

Biting his lip and fidgiting with his pockets

His collar ruffled

My hands are at my sides

But my eyes are mentally fixing his collar

It`s bothering me for some reason

He looks so nervous

His eyes darting from one side of the room to the other

I know he doesn`t want to be here

Nobody taught him the art of being sauve

And dashing and bold and strapping

I like him, though

I catch his eyes for a moment and then hurriedly look away

I can feel his eyes running down the back of my shirt

My jeans

My pant leg

He looks away

I smile like a happy wierdo for no apparent reason

Everyone in the room looks at me funny

Who cares anyway.

Is he looking at me??

I glance backwards

I see him smiling for no reason at all.

