3 min readMay 26, 2022


Photo by Antoine Beauvillain on Unsplash

Did you know that there are entire apps just for applying make up to your pictures? Isn`t that really sad to you? It was even more sad to me when I saw how many people download them.

Youface Makeup has 10 million downloads.

Makeup Camera-Selfie Beauty Filter Photo Editor has another 10 million.

Makeup Plus-Virtual Makeup has 50 million downloads.

That`s a lot of girls and boys who don`t think they`re face is gorgeous without filters. Without makeup.

These apps are intentionally making money off of someone else`s insecurites.

I don`t blame them, honestly. The only thing that you can be sure that everybody has are insecurites about their looks. In some way or another, they don`t like themselves.

If I didn`t have so many people who love me in my life, I would be doing the same thing. Why? Because I have insecurites too.

Personally, I think I am fat and that I have big feet and a huge nose and short arms and terrible posture.

Didn`t that depiction give you an immediate mental image of the way I look? Well, I don`t really look that way at all.

Nobody told me these things. Nobody said that I look like this. But I did.

And I bet not a lot of people actually think that I look this way. But I bet that in some way or another, they think these sorts of things about themselves.

And not just about their looks either. People think these things about their personalities as well.

I think that sometimes I am a moody, angry, selfish, aggressive loudmouth who can`t shut her mouth.

There. Another mental image.

But hey, it doesn`t matter what I think, but it does. Somehow, that will make sense in a moment.

When you say “I am so angry all the freaking time. I can`t sleep at night, and it`s raining again. I am such a sucky person.” Do you really believe that you are a sucky person, or are you actually upset that it`s raining and you can`t sleep?

You have to be able to read between the lines when you think these sorts of things or all you are going to catch is ‘I am so angry all the freaking time.’ and ‘I am such a sucky person.’

You are most likely very not, and guess what, the more you think that, the more you are going to act like the sucky person that you keep telling yourself you are. It`s a constant loop of anger and sadness that everybody gets caught in sometimes. You just to have to find a way out.

This is not going to be one of those annoying and controlling articles where someone is telling you how to change yourself and how to change your life.

I can`t do that, brah. I don`t know you.

But personally, I hate filters as much as I hate people who don`t know me telling me what to do. It`s always better in my mind to come out honest than to cover up what I really look like. I am me without makeup. And me isn`t just composed of what I look like on the outside. Or of who I am on the inside either.

I believe that who I am is a little bit of both. And I`m not dirty inside or out.

By a certain Lillian Locklear, a young, hopeful, and possibly completely hopeless writer who hopes to change herself and others for the better. Or, she is just going to fall into a deep hole and drag her friends down with her.

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