Why I Don`t Care If The World Thinks I am [Fill In The Blank]

1 min readOct 29, 2022



I`m not interested in being the victim anymore.

Before, I was so desperate for your attention that I would milk every single negative occurence in my week just to have you look at me and pity me.

Well, you know what??


I am so tired of hating myself when I look in the mirror; so sick of needing certain things to happen for myself to be beautiful and loved.

I don`t want to be beautiful.

There are other words that I have been neglecting so that I could focused on that word.

(It is a word, not a definition).

I want to be strong, I want to be kind, I want to be curious, I want to be fearless, I want to be earnest.

I don`t belong to you.

No more love letters to the world, I don`t want your sympathy anymore.

And that`s all I need to say.

