Lilliana Corredor
11 min readFeb 13, 2020


WHY did SWEDEN and BRITAIN VIOLATE the LAW and created a FALSE RAPE case against Julian ASSANGE?

By Dr. Lilliana Corredor – February 13, 2020 ( Edited Feb. 16)

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has demonstrated his commitment to help preserve Democracy and foment government’s accountability and transparency by informing humanit (via their website WikiLeaks), on the malfeasance of Governments, War Crimes, corruption of companies & people in positions of power - so that we may make informed decisions. And, because the public has the Right to Know what their governments are doing in their name and with their tax money.

Assange has received a long list of Journalistic Awards for his efforts.

Yet, humanity has turned its back on him... WHY ⁉️

As a result of a very effective Ten-Years Smear Campaign - started by orders from the U.S. in 2010 to its allies - to destroy Assange’s reputation, soon after he published the Iraq and Afghan War Logs.

SWEDEN took the baton and made-up a false "RAPE case" to seed public dislike & distrust of Assange. And, most importantly: to turn public attention away from the U.S War Crimes that Assange had exposed! And, many other reasons discussed below.

This has been confirmed by evidence provided and made public by the U.N. Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer.

In fact, Professor Melzer’s revelations are so serious they have created a political scandal, which is sweeping through Europe’s News channels like a wild fire. Below are just some examples.

On Feb. 7, 2020, a major Austrian news TV program #ZiB2 aired footage of an interview with U.N. Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer on the Assange Case — published the previous day by the German TV program ZDF heute journal.

DW News, AcTVism Munich, Auslands Journal, Der Spiegel, and other European News Agencies have also reported on what has now become known across Europe as the SWEDEN/UK SCANDAL – i.e. Sweden’s perversion of Justice by making up the false rape case against Assange. This was done in collusion with the UK Crown Prosecution Service - as evidenced by documents obtained through FOIA by Italian Investigative Journalist Stefania Maurizi, and shown in these programs.

This undemocratic act is one of a lot of other violations of Assange’s Civil Rights, Judicial Procedures, and International Conventions. According to Professor Nils Melzer, Sweden alone violated the law in over 50 procedures!

The character assassination of Assange was done with the assistance of the Corporate Media, which chose to smear him with false accusations about his habits and character, instead of shining the light on the real issues, i.e. the War Crimes and corruption he disclosed. As Professor Melzer rightly said:

“This is not Free Media. But rather, the Public Relations department of Governments.”

On Feb 13, 2020, Der Spiegel published an insightful interview with Nils Melzer. It states:

“Nils Melzer makes serious allegations against Sweden, Great Britain, Ecuador and the USA. He demands an investigation into serious violations of fundamental rights, false accusations and abuse of office.

These European news outlets also reported on Melzer’s appraisal of Assange’s present imprisonment at Belmarsh Prison (London’s Guantanamo) — where he has been kept in near isolation 23 hours per day, and on the upcoming Extradition Trial on February 24th, which will decide whether the UK will extradite Assange to the U.S. to face prosecution and 175 years in a supermax prison (effectively guaranteed torture and a Death sentence) for his publishing activities!

They also highlighted the rising public support against Assange’s extradition to the U.S. by the International Federation of Journalists, PACE, the Bundestag, celebrities, activists, and others.

Unsurprisingly, no Media outlets in the U.S, Britain, Australia or Ecuador have bothered to either interview Nils Melzer, nor publish his serious allegations… Why? Because they are guilty of collusion with their governments, and would rather not be confronted by Melzer or take responsibility for their crucial role on the Psychological Torture of Assange and his character assassination — through their heinous news releases!

HOW and WHY did Sweden and Britain VIOLATE the LAW in Assange’s case?

People would understandably ask: How did Sweden and the UK manipulate the Law? Why would they do that for?

Below we offer a brief summary of facts within a larger context.

  • The false rape allegations and a myriad other smears on Assange were intended to:

    Demonize Assange.

    • Create distrust by the public, and reduce public support for him.

    • Draw attention away from the U.S. War Crimes exposed by Assange.

    • Keep secret the participation of Sweden, U.K. and Australia in War Crimes in the Afghan War - given that these States were all U.S. allies in that war. According to Nils Melzer “they don’t want their dirty laundry washed in public". Also, there’s evidence that the UK participated in the CIA Torture program in Afghanistan in a much more systematic way than previously thought — as reported by the UK Parliament in 2018 in two separate reports. In fact, they demanded there be a Judicial Enquiry into this matter. However, upon his recent election Boris Johnson cancelled this investigation.

    • Help keep Assange captive in London — by Fear of Extradition , the reason for his Asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Thereby, punishing him and giving time to the U.S. to prepare a prosecution case against Assange.

    • Aid Assange’s Extradition to the U.S. to punish and silence him forever! And,

    • “Make an example of Assange to intimidate other investigative journalists from publishing misconduct by these States”, says Nils Melzer.

In 2017, these States invited the new President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, to join them in the smearing and character assassination campaign against Assange. Ecuador clearly received US orders to increase the spying operation — via the Embassy’s Security company UC Global, into Assange’s every move and meeting, including with his Lawyers; and, to video stream and pass all information gathered to the U.S. intelligence agencies. This spying operation is being investigated in Spain, as part of a Court case by WikiLeaks on the Violation of Assange’s privacy and client-attorney privilege.

Britain, Sweden, Ecuador and the United States colluded in Assange’s Psychological Torture since 2010, and revved it up by making his life even more miserable during his last year at the Ecuadorian Embassy. In March 2018, the new Ecuadorian Ambassador placed Assange into Solitary confinement, incommunicado, and stopped providing him food (a duty as part of his Asylum), presumably to force him to leave. As that failed, they agreed President Moreno would just forfeit his Asylum & his Ecuadorian Nationalitywithout due process, and in breach not only of International Conventions, but also in violation of Ecuador’s own Constitution!

This enabled the Ecuadorian Government to allow the UK Police to come into the Embassy and physically drag Assange out on April 11, 2019.

Assange’s lawyer in Quito, Carlos Poveda, told reporters asylum was terminated in reprisal for corruption allegations against President Lenin Moreno” — Reuters

In exchange for handing over Assange, the U.S. rewarded Lenin Moreno with a $4.2 Billion loan via the IMF only days after his expulsion from the Embassy, and later gifted Moreno more money. This was done publicly and unashamedly!

Within four hours of his expulsion from the Embassy, the U.S. publicly announced Assange had been charged with Hacking and within a few weeks the U.S. announced further charges under the Espionage Act, and that it would be seeking his Extradition to the U.S. for his prosecution!

Hence, the U.S. unilaterally appointed itself “Extra-territorial jurisdiction”. That is, the right to have anybody, anywhere in the world, extradited to the U.S. for prosecution – if anyone dares to do like Assange, i.e. publish secret information. Thereby, ensuring its total lack of accountability for malfeasance, corruption, War Crimes, Torture, etc.

A few weeks after Assange’s expulsion, the Ecuadorian Embassy staff, UK Police & Intelligence Officials seized Assange’s belongings from the Embassy, including his computers and legal defence files, and turned them over to the U.S. (CIA/FBI).

The UK then locked up Assange in Belmarsh Prison – the UK’s version of “Guantanamo Jail" in London, and slapped him with an outrageous 52-weeks conviction for "skipping bail" (normally worth a fine or at most a month in jail). A couple of weeks later they transferred him to the Health Care area and put him in isolation 23 hrs per day. They prevented his Lawyers from seeing him as required by law, reduced social visits to 2-4 per month, and drugged him. Thus, further torturing him and violating his Civil Rights. Let it be clear, this took place after Prof. Nils Melzer had delivered the UK his first report on the Psychological Torture of Assange in May 2019, and then his second report in October 2019, requesting Assange be sent to a Hospital for urgent physical and psychological treatment...

To this day, none of the States has answered the questions he made in his reports, which they are mandated to do.

To add insult to injury, once his 52-weeks sentence ended, a UK Judge decided Assange was NOT free to leave, and would remain in Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison indefinitely, without any charges, until the Extradition Trial ends... Let it be known such trial, appeals and counter-appeals can take years!

In November 2019, a group of international Doctors wrote an Open Letter to the UK Home Secretary stating their concerns and grave danger to Assange’s life, and requested he be immediately transferred to a University Hospital for urgent assessment and care. This fell on deaf ears!

As if this wasn’t enough, the UK/US alliance have clearly put pressure on the U.N. to silence their Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, to hinder his defence of Assange. Melzer has been exposing the continued Psychological Torture of Assange, the U.K. and Sweden’s intentional manipulation of the Law, the gangging up of four States in a massive character assassination campaign on Assange, the numerous violations of International Conventions on Human Rights by the four States, and has been campaigning tirelessly for the release of Assange on Health and Human Rights grounds.

Indeed, Melzer reported at the “Free the Truth” public event held in London on the 3rd Feb., that they had called the office of the U.N. Ambassador in Geneva and told she was most displeased with how he conducts his mandate in the Assange case. He also announced that his Employer at the University of Glasgow, was also told the UK was unhappy about the handling of his Mandate.

At that event, Professor Melzer also stated:

"I refuse to be intimidated... It’s a violation of my independence to try to circumvent official proceedings and to undermine my professional credibility with the U.N. and my employer. I will certainly not back down."

Instead of being silenced, Prof. Melzer has proceeded to show the evidence he gathered in the course of his investigation into Assange’s Psychological Torture and the Travesty of Justice in his case to any news outlets interested. He concludes:

“Julian Assange has been Tortured for nearly ten years, and continues to be tortured to this day.”

“If Assange is extradited to the U.S. he will certainly not receive a fair trial, and he will be tortured until the day he dies!”

He’ll be placed in isolation and incommunicado. Special Admiinstr ative Measures (S.A.M) will apply to him, by which even if he discloses information to his lawyers, they can’t reveal anything to the public. If they do share information, they too will be imprisoned!”

In addition, Melzer points out this case is not only about Assange, but about the dangers to the Rule of Law, Press Freedom, and Human Rights in Europe and worldwide! And, that these states are trying to deter people from exposing government’s misconduct. He said:

"I think this one (Assange’s case) is particular in that it is emblematic, it shows a systematic failure in Western democracies to adhere to the Rule of Law and to their own human rights commitments. And that’s what I think is so worrying because it sets a precedent. Also, muzzling the free press and criminalising ‘telling the truth’ in a way that is fundamentally threatening to the future of our democracies. ... the precedent that this case sets is of overwhelming importance.”

As a result, his damning revelations are now rapidly spreading across Europe as a “Political Scandal".

On February 13th, 2020, Der Spiegel reported:

“Nils Melzer makes serious allegations against Sweden, Great Britain, Ecuador and the USA. He demands an investigation into serious violations of fundamental rights, false accusations and abuse of office.

“Melzer: Julian Assange himself is no more important than other victims of torture. In my view, however, his case is not just about an individual fate, but about the future of our democracy and the rule of law. That’s why I’m protesting so loudly now, even though I’ve never been known for headlines in the past 20 years. As a UN Special Rapporteur, you not only have to be a good diplomat, you also have to have the courage and integrity to confront the public with uncomfortable truths if necessary.”

For detailed and comprehensive information on the Assange case and his revelations, people are encouraged to visit the website WikiLeaks, and to read Nils Melzer’s best interview yet:

« A murderous system is being created before our very eyes »

Assange’s indictment has already established a precedent for other countries to persecute and prosecute investigative journalists.

In June 2019, the Australian Federal Police raided the ABC’s Ultimo headquarters In Sydney. According to a report by the ABC in August 2019, the raid was related to The Afghan Files, a series of stories, published in 2017, which detailed incidents where Australian soldiers in Afghanistan killed unarmed men, pregnant women and children. This investigative series was "based off hundreds of pages of secret defence documents leaked to the ABC". The report claims another intelligence agency was involved in the raid, either ASIO or the Australian Signals Directorate.

More recently, the investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald was also charged by the Brazilian Government with Cybercrimes, in what appears to be a “Carbon copy" of Assange’s case...

The danger to investigative journalism and the move by Governments to act with impunity is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.

If Assange is allowed to be extradited to the U.S., this would open the floodgates for worldwide persecution and prosecution not only of journalists, but of dissidents and activists — by any country, anywhere.

Consequently, it is in the interest of every journalist, and of any citizen in the world willing to protect Democracy, the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Freedom of Press, and holding governments accountable — to stand up now in defence of Julian Assange to prevent his Extradition to the U.S. and to demand he be set free!

For the latest news on Julian Assange, ways to support him, and events held worldwide, the reader is encouraged to visit the website: The Courage Foundation.

Dr. Lilliana Corredor

Human Rights Advocate

Assange Supporter

Gold Coast, Australia