Choosing Your Wedding Cards Wordings

James Lamb
2 min readJun 14, 2017


In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” — Janos Arnay
“There is only one happiness in life — to love and be loved.” — George Sands
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” Aristotle
There are many ways you can word your wedding invitations, if it is formal and your parents have helped you pay for some if not all of the wedding, then it is appropriate that their names be used to invite guests to the wedding, if your parents had very little to do with the wedding, but you still wish to acknowledge them, you can, after your names put together with their parents.
Your wedding cards wordings will be defined by the style of your wedding, be it formal or informal. if your invitations are humorous, you really don’t need to follow traditional wording, you can use a much more relaxed style. You should let your personalities shine through, have less formal wording, if you want a quote on your invitations, it can be something that relates to you and your relationship and the things that matter to you, most of your guests will keep their wedding invitations, so what you put on them will be around for a long time.
There are many love quotes and poems which can make a nice addition (see above) to the invitation, you can make up your own, maybe something that is to be included in your marriage vows, that can be carried through all of the wedding stationery and even through to the reception.
Here are the most common Wedding Cards Wordings
• Mr and Mrs Church (bride’s parents)
• together with Mr and Mrs Cars (grooms parents)
• are proud to invite, cordially invite, wish to invite, request the presence of, line for name or name.
• to celebrate the marriage of
• daughter and sons name
• at (ceremony place and address) on (date) at (time)
• and afterward at (reception place and address) at (time)
• the dress is formal, semi-formal, casual
If the invitations are from the bride and groom to.
• Sue and David
• together with their parents
• request your presence, your attendance, pleasure of your company
• to celebrate their wedding, share in the celebration
• at (ceremony, ceremony address)
• on (date) at (time)
• and afterward at (reception place and address)
• the dress is formal, semi-formal
A less informal invitation can follow the general rules who, what, where, when, just write down the information that you need to have on the invitation and then organize it in a way that you are happy with.

