Benefits of Water Aerobics As Per Teresa Lashmet

Lilli Anla
2 min readSep 4, 2018


Well, before knowing the benefits of water aerobics, let’s know about Teresa Lashmet. She is a well-known water aerobics trainer and instructor. She has been training for a few years now. Teresa Lashmet was a police officer in Miami, Okla before this. She was said to be the first lady police officer in Oklahoma State in last 30 years. Teresa Lashmet was known for her work in the Miami Police Department. She then switched to be a water aerobics trainer.

As per Teresa Lashmet, there are huge benefits that water aerobics offer. She is a trainer in Jasper, Missouri where she shifted after her marriage with her husband. Before that, she used to stay with her parents in Carthage, Missouri. She was fond of sports since her school age. Teresa’s interest in water aerobics developed a few years ago and then she took professional training in this. She is a well-trained and certified trainer.

Teresa Lashmet is a passionate and enthusiastic trainer. Let us see the health benefits of water aerobics in details as per Teresa.

· It improves the flexibility of the body. The motion of the body improves a lot in water aerobics; especially the lower body.

· It helps in strengthening of muscles. Muscles in limbs and other major muscles get stronger. Water forces from all sides of your body act as dumbbells and kettlebells.

· Many chronic pains are also relieved. Effects of many diseases like knee and hip osteoarthritis, lower back pain, etc are reduced.

· Bone density is increased with help of this exercise. People suffering from osteoporosis and low bone density benefit a lot.

· Spinal issues, back pains, etc. are supported well.

· It helps in relieving stress and anxiety. You may have observed that you feel light and peaceful when you go to the swimming pool or a beach or even take a relaxing bath in the bathtub. Oxygen flow increases in the body which helps you relax.

· One can lose good weight with water aerobics. The risk of obesity decreases as this exercise burns fats.

· Body posture improves. Balancing abilities of the body also improve.

· It improves the stamina of a person and improves the immunity to fight diseases.

These were the most important benefits of water aerobics as per Teresa Lashmet. She herself has healed herself and leading a healthy life now. Since she is a professional and experienced trainer, her views on this really matter. Teresa Lashmet has always been a very good trainer as her trainees say.

