Is Tarot reading for you - how to know and where to start

LillyAnn Unukalhai
3 min readOct 23, 2018

If you are curious about what Tarot reading can offer you and don’t know where to start, check tarot reading application at my website. Here are short descriptions of spreads and links which lead directly to applications:

Celtic Cross

Celtic Cross is probably the most common Tarot spread, widely used among tarot enthusiasts and professional tarot readers. This traditional spread has gained its fame and popularity through the long history of Tarot because of its applicability to various questions. It is complex, yet simple to understand. Celtic Cross is handy for both general and specific questions. Even if there is no a question at all, this spread is great for gaining insights about ongoing trends or for self-reflection.

Celtic Cross spread

  1. Click on the deck in the upper left corner
  2. Pick ten cards on your own while focus on your question or click on the button below the cards.
  3. By clicking on the button, your cards are randomly selected by the program.
  4. Now, when you have your spread.
  5. By clicking on each card, the position in the spread and card meaning will show up.

Reflection on the Dilemma

To do or not to do, pross and cons of given circumstances. Dilemma resolution spread gives an insight beyond simple Yes or No answer.

Reflection on the dilemma spread

To get your reading do the five steps previously mentioned.

Past — Present — Future

Simple Past - Present - Future tarot spread. This spread is short and quick. It reflects on the recent past or the cause, the present and near future as the most probable outcome.

To get your reading do the five steps previously mentioned.

Clearing your Path

Clearing your Path tarot spread by Pamela Steele. This spread serves to dissolve the confusion regarding the difficult and uncertain situations. Its purpose is to shed some light on your path.

To get your reading do the five steps previously mentioned.

I am sure you will enjoy it and have fun with generated tarot readings applications. You might even find them surprisingly accurate!

However, real tarot reading requires real tarot reader. An application cannot be a substitute for a live person. In the digital world, lucidity is like a fresh air or beam of light.

Check my Etsy shop for more Tarot spreads. There you can find not only Tarot but also Lenormand spreads and readings.

Stay curious, explore and have fun!!



LillyAnn Unukalhai

Founder of Friend of animals, Heavy metal fun, Inner realms explorer, Lucid Dreamer, Tarot and Lenormand reader, Practical Mystic…