75+ Engaging Argumentative Essay Prompts for High School

Lily Dale
4 min read18 hours ago


Argumentative essay prompts for high school
Argumentative Essay Prompts for High School Students

Argumentative Essay Prompts for High School Students

Are you up for a challenge? Argumentative essays are a great way to test your critical thinking and writing skills. They require you to take a stand on a topic and support your argument with evidence. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are 75+ engaging argumentative essay prompts that will get your brain working.

For more help with argumentative essays, check out EssayPro — they offer professional essay writing assistance and great tips for students.

Exploring Ethical Dilemmas

In the realm of argumentative essays, ethical dilemmas present thought-provoking and compelling topics. These situations challenge our moral compass and require us to navigate complex choices that have no easy answers.

Ethical dilemmas arise when we are faced with two or more conflicting principles or values. These dilemmas can arise in various contexts, from personal relationships to societal issues. Exploring such dilemmas in an argumentative essay not only enhances critical thinking skills but also fosters empathy and an understanding of diverse perspectives.Unlock expert guidance on argumentative essays!

Challenging Social Norms

Challenging Social Norms

Social norms are the unwritten rules that govern our behavior and interactions within society. These norms can be positive, such as respecting others or being honest, but they can also be negative, perpetuating inequality or discrimination. Challenging social norms can be a powerful way to create a more just and equitable society, but it can also be a difficult and potentially risky endeavor.

If you are considering challenging a social norm, it is important to first understand the reasons behind the norm. What purpose does it serve? Who benefits from it? Once you have a good understanding of the norm, you can start to develop a strategy for challenging it.

One way to challenge a social norm is to simply start behaving differently. If you see someone being treated unfairly, speak up. If you see a group of people making fun of someone, don’t laugh along. By refusing to conform to the norm, you can send a message that it is not acceptable.

Ready to get an A+ on your next argumentative essay? Check out our database of 75+ engaging prompts!

Another way to challenge a social norm is to talk about it. If you have a problem with a particular norm, share your thoughts with others. Write an op-ed, start a blog, or give a speech. By raising awareness of the issue, you can help to change people’s minds.

Challenging social norms can be difficult, but it is an important part of creating a more just and equitable society. If you see something that is wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up. By standing up for what you believe in, you can make a difference in the world.

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Analyzing Historical Perspectives

Unveiling the diverse perspectives that shape our understanding of the past is crucial for developing critical thinking skills. By examining historical accounts from multiple angles, we gain a more comprehensive view of events and can better appreciate the complexity of human motivation and action.

To effectively analyze historical perspectives, it is essential to:

1. Identify the different perspectives present in the sources.

2. Determine the biases and motivations that may have influenced each perspective.

3. Evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources.

4. Synthesize the information from multiple perspectives to form a balanced and nuanced understanding.

Through this process, we can uncover the complex interplay of factors that have shaped our world. By considering the perspectives of different individuals and groups, we can challenge assumptions, broaden our horizons, and gain a more accurate representation of history.

Explore Professional Analysis!

Debating Political Issues

Engaging in debates about political issues can be a valuable experience for high school students. It allows them to develop their critical thinking skills, learn about different perspectives, and understand the complexities of political decision-making. This section provides prompts that will help students explore a range of political issues and develop their argumentative writing skills.

Click here to learn more about debate!

Examining Environmental Concerns

Environmental issues are of paramount importance in today’s world, demanding urgent attention and collective action. From climate change to pollution, these concerns pose significant threats to the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. This section will delve into various environmental challenges, exploring their causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

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Argument Essay Topics

